This juicy summer fruit is green on the outside and red on the inside.
pool, bathing suit, float
If it is really sunny, you can wear these over your eyes.
What are the three months in summer?
June, July, and August
If you want to go on the slide, swings, or monkey bars, you can go here.
This is something you can hold that has your ice cream inside of it. When you finish your ice cream you can eat this too!
Ice cream cone
run, field, pass, kick, score
Shoes that have straps and do not cover your toes.
The holiday when we celebrate America's independence with fireworks.
Fourth of July
If you feel like practicing your dives or strokes, you can go here.
Swimming Pool
You can mix a sour fruit with sugar and drink this on a hot day.
ball, dribble, shoot, hoop
You need to wear this if you want to go swimming.
Bathing Suit
What can you use to prevent yourself from getting mosquito bites?
Bug Spray
You can go here if you want to swim in the waves or build a sandcastle.
You can grill these at a barbecue and eat them for lunch or dinner. You usually put them on a bun and can top them with ketchup or mustard. Some people like to put cheese on them.
racket, serve, hit, net
You put this on your skin to protect it from the sun.
Sunscreen OR Suntan Lotion
Name three things you need to build a sandcastle.
sand, shovel, pail, water, etc.
If it is really hot outside, you can go to this air conditioned place and watch the newest film.
Movie Theater
This is a frozen treat on a stick that you can enjoy in summer. Be sure to eat it quickly before it melts and drips on your hands!
board, ocean, wave
You put these over your eyes when you swim underwater.
Name three things you need when you go camping.
tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, bug spray, food, etc.
If you're lucky, you could fly to one of these tropical places with your family for a vacation. It is land entirely surrounded by water.