Scientific Method
Diffusion, Osmosis & Volcanoes
Basic Chemistry
Physical Forces & Paper Airplanes

The first step of the scientific method is to simply ask a ________ about something observed by the scientist... Fill in the blank!

What is a question?


The net movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration

What is diffusion?


This word describes the smallest building blocks of matter

What are atoms?


This force acts on everything within earth's atmosphere and pulls objects down to earth

What is weight or gravity?


This word describes a close relationship between two different species in which both species benefit

What is mutualism?


The second step of the scientific method is to attempt answer a scientific question with an explanation that can be tested... Also known as formulating a __________... Fill in the blank!

What is a hypothesis?


The passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration

What is osmosis?


This term describes a pure material made up of only one kind of atom

What is an element?


This is the force of air resistance that acts against moving objects

What is drag?


This term describes a close relationship between two different species in which one species benefits and the other one is unaffected

What is commensalism?


The third step of the scientific method is to test whether your hypothesis is supported by conducting an __________... Fill in the blank!

What is an experiment?


Like all mountains, volcanoes occur when ________ ______ collide, pushing each other up through the Earth’s surface... Fill in the blank!

What are tectonic plates?


This subatomic particle can be found in an atom's nucleus in an electrically neutral state

What is a neutron?


This force comes into play when an object flies through the air... It pushes upward against the object, almost allowing the object to rest on the air

What is lift?


This word describes a close relationship between two different species in which one species benefits and the other one is harmed

What is parasitism?


The fourth step of the scientific method is to collect the _______ of the experiment and analyze them to see if they support the hypothesis or not... Fill in the blank!

What are results?


Earth's core temperature is hot enough that some of the closer rock layer begins to melt into what substance?

Magma (not lava... lava is magma that erupts and reaches earth's surface)


This subatomic particle can be found in an atom's nucleus in an electrically charged, positive state

What is a proton?


This force propels a moving object forward

What is thrust?


This term describes the phenomenon that species who are fit for their environment will survive, reproduce and pass on advantageous traits... Those that are unfit will die before reproducing and never pass on their traits

What is natural selection?


The fifth and final step of the scientific method is to draw a __________ from the experiment and results... It typically directly answers the initial question and discusses the validity of the experiment... Fill in the blank!

What is your conclusion?


When rock melts under a volcano, these two gases are released during the melting process, creating pressure that can eventually lead to eruption

What are carbon dioxide and water vapor?


This subatomic particle can be found orbiting around an atom's nucleus in an electrically charged, negative state

What is an electron?


This word describes an object that can efficiently cut through the air and negate drag force

What is aerodynamic?


This word describes the specific role of a species within an ecosystem

What is a niche or ecological niche?
