This was the capital city of Israel where the Temple of God was located.
This is the last book of the Bible which tells us about things that have not yet happened, specifically that Jesus will return and defeat evil forever.
The most cleaver of all the wild animals. It tricked Adam and Eve into disobeying God in the garden of Eden.
Serpent (Snake)
Jesus performed this amazing miracle in order to show two sisters in mourning, Mary and Martha, that He is the resurrection and the life. Jesus proved that He even had power over death.
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.
Jesus feeds the five thousand.
This was the city of David who's name means 'House of Bread.' The location Jesus was born.
This book of the Bible describes a time in history where God ruled over the people of Israel through a series of Judges.
God protected Daniel from these animals by sending an angel to shut their mouths.
A man in need was brought before Jesus. Jesus forgave the man's sins, then he performed this miracle so that "You might know the Son of Man has the authority to forgive sins."
Healing the paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus by four friends.
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God created the world.
After Paul's arrest in Jerusalem, God told Paul he was going to be sent to this major city so he could could share the gospel there.
These two books were written by a doctor named Luke. They describe the life of Jesus and then the start and growth of the early church.
Luke and Acts
After Jesus performed this miracle the disciples were in awe. They asked each other, "What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!"
Jesus calms the storm.
Jesus is born and the wise men visit.
This city belonged to the enemy of God's people. God sent the prophet Jonah to warn them to repent or they would be destroyed. God showed His kindness by sparing the city when the people repented.
This book of the Old Testament contains a collection of wise sayings.
After 40 days, Noah sent this animal out to see if the waters from the flood had lowered. When it returned, it had an olive leaf in its mouth.
Jesus performed this miracle in the city of Cana. It was the first miracle He performed and after it Jesus' disciples put their faith in Him.
Changing water into wine.
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Paul was caught in a storm. God sent an angel to tell Paul the ship would be destroyed but everyone would survive.
God sent these insects during the 8th plague of Egypt. Later on, the Prophet Joel saw a swarm of them devastate the land and predicted that God would punish the people of Judah for their disobedience.
Jesus performed this odd miracle in order to teach Peter that He is God's Son. Jesus told Peter that he did not need to pay the temple tax because kings collect tax from others, not their own family. However so others would not be offended, Jesus told Peter to do this in order to pay the tax.
Jesus told Peter to go to the lake and thrown out a fishing line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch and inside the fish's mouth would be the exact coin needed to pay the tax for Peter and Jesus.
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God appears to Moses in the form of a burning bush.