When you break down..
Heavyweight Champions

Looking for new curb appeal? This board game mechanic was first highlighted in the game Dominion. 

What is deckbuilding? 


Don't try to yodel...

This former number 1, made us collectively cry about feeding our people. 

What is Agricola? 

He's the crowdfunding guru and probably the reason we say "kicked it". He is also into a leisurely drink and alternate WW1 history. 

Who is Jamey  Stegmaier? 


Voted for having one of the best box art covers of all time, this game features a husband and wife duo that like to collect twigs and berries and work through the seasons. 

What is Everdell? 


Just like Henry Ford, this board game mechanic was brought to the masses by Caylus but has since become one of the most recognizable game mechanics as seen in Viticulture and Raiders of the North Sea. 

What is worker placement? 


Shipping this mammoth took a lot of initiative. This number 1 is by far the heaviest game on the list. 

What is Gloomhaven? 


The father of modern board gaming and the reason we ask if you have sheep for my wood. 

Who is Klaus Teuber? 


Can I buy some glass!!

This little sibling game is for two players, which has the push and pull of war while balancing it out with science advancement. 

What is 7Wonders Duel!


Rock, paper, scissors...shoot! 

This game mechanic is used in the popular games Concordia, Race for the Galaxy, and Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition? 

What is simultaneous action selection?


Talking about leaving a legacy, this number 1 started a whole new craze in board games. 

What is Pandemic Legacy: Season 1?


For years I thought this was a design duo, but then learned it was just a a single guy with a fancy for the letter F. 

Who is Friedemann Friese? 


Want to learn to board game, eh? 

This Canadian content creator has become famous for his easy to follow rules explanations. 

Who is Rodney Smith?


Do your tools needs a storage space? 

This board game mechanic was popularized by games like Orleans and Altiplano. 

What is bag building? 


Just like the British Invasion, this number 1 has a dedicated fan base that laid the tracks for it to became a top game. 

What is Brass: Birmingham? 

One could imagine that this designer is a fan of MState and point salads!

Who is Stefan Feld?


While he does have a porous rear-end, he does in fact not die.  

Who is Cthulhu? 


The choices are way more than binary.

 This game mechanic was employed by Richard Garfield in RoboRally. 

What is programming? 


Justin Timberlake wasn't singing about this former number 1 that is set in the middle east. 

What is Tigris and Euphrates? 


Conspiracy theories abound of an alien abduction when this designer went from bean counter to big box master. 

He's probably fairly decent at Tetris too!!

Who is Uwe Rosenburg? 


The hobby would not be where it is today without the contributions from this person and the team behind an empire. 

Who is Tom Vassal and the Dice Tower? 
