Safety Part 2
Missing Child
General Camp

What should you do when you see lightning while swimming at the pool or on a field trip? 

Calmly and quickly exit the water and follow the inclement weather plan at the facility.  Stay low to the ground and head indoors (locker rooms). 


How many points of contact should you have when entering and exiting a park district vehicle or bus? 

3 points of contact


What are the names of the drills that we have at the park district?

Fire Drills and Intruder Drills


Who starts the timer when you first notice that a child is missing? 

The Site Director 


What is the expected camper to staff ratio?

What is 10 campers to 1 staff


When do you fill out an accident/incident report? 

1. loitering in the parking lot is noticed 2. when a child goes missing 3. when any injury occurs

When in doubt, fill it out!


What is a mandated reported? 

Camp staff are considered a mandated reporter and they are required to report suspected child abuse or neglect immediately to direct supervisor. 


Where should you take cover in the building during a tornado? 

In the Great Room or the hallway between the Rec offices and stage doors. 


Who notifies the parents of the lost child about the situation? 

The Recreation Supervisor


What is a headcount? 

A headcount is when you count the campers in your group, making sure to also look for their face and not just how many heads. 


When do you require a swim test? 

At the start of a each session, each individual week, when a new camper starts camp, or when it's requested by the child. This is required in order to swim in the pool at camp. 


Gloves are a form of PPE. True or False



If you are in the Multipurpose Room and the fire alarm goes off, which door should you use to exit the building? 

Door D


When a child goes missing, what are the different roles of the camp staff? 

1. timer starter 2. staff that regroup the other campers and start games to occupy time 3. staff that look for the camper 


Who do you contact at the Park District if you are having problems with Paycom? 

Conor Cahill - Superintendent of Recreation


What should you do if you are at the park, and you notice that a patron has a concealed firearm on their person? 

Gather all of the campers and immediately leave the area. Notify your Recreation Supervisor. 

What should you do if you arrive at the pool and there is no lifeguard on duty? 

Head to the life guard office (located between the bathrooms) and let the lifeguards know that you are there for your swim time. 


What is the first step if you see an active intruder on site? 

Blow your park district provided whistle to notify other staff in the building. 


Why is it important to vocalize the description of the missing child instead of just saying that a child is missing? 

Bystanders are more likely to start looking for the description of the child, then just looking for a random out of place child. 


When can you use your cell phone camp?

Only when there is an emergency at camp. 


What is the chain of command during an emergency according to our Emergency Response Plan? 

Camp Counselor - Camp Site Director - Recreation Supervisor - Department Head - Safety Coordinator - Crisis Team Leader


What is PPE and why is it important? Additionally, when should it be used?

PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment and it's important because it protects the staff from coming in contact with any substances that could cause harm. PPE should be used when completing first aid, when handling chemicals, and if you have to come into contact with bodily fluids. 


During an intruder drill that requires a hard lockdown, which building is the relocation building for our facility? 

Nelson Sports Complex


If a patron asks you about information pertaining to a lost child incident, what is the appropriate response? 

I'm not the best person to answer that question, please contact Conor Cahill, the Superintendent of Recreation. 


When should you communicate with the families of campers that are bullying?

When the child that is bullying is picked up from camp. 

(If incident happens in before care or during camp, staff must be sure to relay information of incident to camp/after care staff. Recreation Supervisor should also be looped in)


Show us proper lifting technique


What is the Thorguard and what is it signaling? 

Thorguard is an alert system for when there is lightning in the area. The system is located on the wall by the pool bathrooms by the splash pad. It will strobe when lightning is spotted and when it's all clear 3 beeps will signal. 


What order of response should be performed in an active intruder event?

Run, Hide, Fight


Name all of the steps of the missing child procedure? 

1. Camp staff alerts their Site Director. 2. Site Director alerts Recreation Supervisor 3. Compile a description of the camper 4. Alert the public in the surrounding area to missing child, loudly vocalizing their description 5. search building and surrounding grounds 6. if child is not found in the first 10 minutes, notify police and reconnect with Recreation Supervisor.


How often should you be doing headcounts at camp? 

Every 15 minutes and during times of transition. 
