This 2nd grade counselor's brother is a volunteer
This rookie counselor spent 7 weeks with Middle Ground before going back to college
What is the BGC symbol?
Hands together/2 hands holding each other
This special event was split up for different age groups, and was during the first half of the day rather than the last block of the day.
The Magician
This Teen Titan can turn into any animal they want
Beast Boy
This 4th and 5th has gotten heat stroke twice at Summer Camp
This counselor was the Fun Club dodgeball coach of the Hajjar Hornets
This Fun Club dodgeball team won the championship in 2019
Kennedy Killer Crocs
This was the first special event of the Summer
The Hawaiian Luau BBQ
This item in Mario Kart locks on and attacks the racer in front of you
Red Shell
This 3rd grade counselor is going to college to become a Occupational Therapist
What drink does Vanessa always get from the vending machine
Diet Coke
What movie characters are hanging out outside of the Pool?
Finding Nemo
These counselors won the 2019 Lip Sync Battle
Puppy Toes, Hurricane, Shovel, Love
This AGD was born in Nashua, New Hampshire
This counselor is the site coordinator of the Kennedy Fun Club
This staff member was a weatherman, and tracks storms for the BGC
This was Jared's super alter ego during the Super Hero Show
Frosty Daddy
What are the colors of the Rock Band drums from left to right
Red, Yellow, Blue, Green
This counselor worked at Disney before returning to the BGC
Name every MG counselor's backpack animal
Narwhal, Giraffe, Unicorn, White Tiger, Platypus, Sloth, Dog
What is the theme of the counselor board across from the gym?
This game of the Middle Ground Carnival was stationed next to the Pick a Duck
Cornhole Toss
Name every MG counselor's backpack animal
Narwhal, Giraffe, Unicorn, White Tiger, Platypus, Sloth, Dog