All about Liturgy
Encouragement &
Wisdom & Hymns
Gifts that Create

Why are we gifted?

Because we are in the image of God (Genesis 1: 26, 27)  God gave us this talents to serve the church and the society we live in.


How many crosses are on the orbana?



What is encouragement? 

The ability to lift those who are in need or who are beaten down by life so that they can continue forwards, overcoming in the face of uncertainty, opposition, and temptation (sins)


What is Wisdom?

The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

Doing and saying the right thing at the right time. Wisdom comes from God. (James 3:13-17)


Which saint painted the very first picture of Virgin Mary?



What does it mean we are in the image of God?

We share his characteristics. For example, because God is creative, we can be creative in our work.


What is written on the orbana?

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal


Give an example of hospitality

  • Invite someone over for a meal or just dessert.
  • Give a hug to everyone as you come into the church or a gathering with friends.
  • Ask someone about their day and sit down to really listen.

fill in the blank 

For the Lord gives ____; from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.
Proverbs 2:6



Name at least 3 musical instruments mentioned in the bible?  (Psalm 150: 3-5)

trumpet, lute, harp, cymbals, stringed instruments 


Why are people given different numbers of talents?

Not everyone has the same number of gifts, God will chose how to distribute gifts and talents He sees fit


What does the deacon say after he smells the wine and it's good?

It is good and precious


what book in the bible is the story of Peter’s mother in law serving all 

The story of Peter’s mother in law serving all (Luke 4:38-41, the bible reading of the 11th hour).


fill in the blank 

If any of you lacks ____, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
James 1:5



Name 2 people that sang in the Bible?

1-Mary, Moses’s sister, sang after their passover from Egypt, Exodus 15:1-21. 

2-David sang in front of the art of covenant, these are forms of worshiping God. (2 Samuel 6:14-22)


 What is the parable of the talents teaching us?

We are to use whatever we have been given for God’s purpose. Given talent to benefit other people and to build up His kingdom on earth. We are members of God’s church and everybody has a role, small or big


Name the 5 readings in the Liturgy of the Word

Pauline Epistle

Catholic Epistle
Praxis (Acts)
Psalm & Gospel


Name 1 of the 3 examples of Hospitality we discussed in the Bible?

The story of Peter’s mother in law serving all (Luke 4:38-41, the bible reading of the 11th hour).

The story of Abraham who was visited by 3 people and received them without knowing who they were at first. 

The story of Saint Anba Bishoy whose disciples wanted to see Jesus.  


K-2 sing Many Are all Your Wonders

Many are all your wonders, and precious is your glory, O the pride of all the virgins, Mary the fair dove.

The Lord our Lord how wonderful, is Your name upon all the earth.
Many are all your wonders...

Glory and honor, to Your mother the high crown.
Many are all your wonders...

Precious are all your wonders, your happiness and joy.
Many are all your wonders...

Precious are all your wonders, and your greatness is glorified.

Sena etsho en-na eshfeeri teero: ensa-sho empeo-ou: epshou-shou en-ni parthenos teero Maria ti-etchrompi ethnesos.

Epchois penchois en-thano eshveeri: pe pekran hijen epkahi teerf. Sena...

Ou-a-ou nem ou-taio: nem tek-mav en-eklom etshosf: Sena...

Tina-etsho en-na eshfeeri teero: tina-ounof nem to-theleel. Sena...

Tina-etsho en-na eshfeeri teero: Ou-a-ou evol en-nekas teero.


Good Job!


How are people using their artistic talents to give glory to God today?

 saints movies, paint icons, sing hymns and christian songs 


Which book in the bible is the parable of the talents?



Which part of Liturgy do we sing Aso men... hymn

During communion


Why is encouragement important?

its important to be a good support for friends and family and bring them up when they need it


3-5 Grades

Sing Zefte pente

Good Job!


Name 2 characters in veggie tales

Larry the cucumber 

Bob the tomato

Junior Asparagus 

