Signs & Symptoms
Check, Call, Care
Wound Care & Medical Emergencies
Injury Care
General Camp Safety
name 2 symptoms of an allergic reaction

Rashes, itchiness, swelling, laboured breathing, vomiting


What should you check for if someone has experienced an injury, a sudden illness, or has been involved in a serious incident? 

Check for (symptoms of) shock


What should you do when a child has a nose bleed?

1. Have the child sit with the head slightly forward

2. Pinch the child's nostrils for 10-15 minutes


What do we use to inform parents/guardians of a minor injury?

An ouch report.

*Parents/Guardians should be immediately informed (phone call) of major injuries or anything that requires medical attention.


What do you do if a camper is bitten or stung by an insect?

1. If there's a stinger remove it by scraping it away with a flat surface (e.g credit card)

2. Wash wound with water, cover, and apply ice or cold pack

3. Call EMS/9-1-1 if they show signs of an allergic reaction


How can you tell if a lifejacket is too big? how can you tell if it is too small?

It is too big if you can pull it over their ears, and too small if you cannot fasten all buckles and straps comfortably.


What are 3 symptoms of heat stroke?

Skin may be hot or red, or dry and moist, severe headache, altered behaviour, changes in responsiveness, rapid, shallow breathing, high body temperature 


When you are dealing with an ill or injured child what 3 things should you repeat?

1. Check - Check the scene and check the child's ABC's

2. Call - Shout for bystanders, contact EMS/9-1-1

3. Care- Care for any illnesses or injuries, starting with the most serious, recovery position, secondary assessment, continual care


What should you do if a child has ingested a poisonous/harmful substance? 

1. Try and establish what they have taken, when, and how much. (EMS will want to know)

2. Call poison control

3.Do not make them vomit or give them anything to drink unless instructed to do so by poison control 


List 3 things that may indicate a broken bone.

- bruising

- pain

- swelling

- the injured area may be in an unnatural position 

*Care- 1.Encourage the person to support the injury if possible, or cushion the area to prevent movement. 2. Call EMS/9-1-1 (also call the parents/guardians) 3. Make sure the injury is supported until help arrives.


List 3 thing we can do to help prevent heat-related emergencies.

- Drink plenty of cool fluids/ stay hydrated

- Avoid being outside during the hottest part of the day

- Wear appropriate clothing

- Apply sunscreen

- Slow down activities as it gets hotter

- Take lots of break in cool/shady areas


If the UV index reaches this number we will not be going outside.

If the Air Quality Health Index is reaches this number we will not be going outside.

UV- 8

Air Quality- 7


What are 3 signs someone may be having a panic attack?

trouble breathing (hyperventilating),chest pain or tightness, dizziness, sweating and shaking, fast heart rate, intense fear, sudden and terrible fear of death, losing control, or of having an illness, feeling like the world isn't real, etc.


What does ABC stand for

Airway, Breathing, Circulation. 


What steps should you take if a child's tooth is knocked out? 

1. Have the child bite down on a clean dressing

2. Carefully pick up the tooth by the crown (the whiter part) and keep it protected.

3. Get the child and the tooth to the dentist as soon as possible

* putting the tooth in egg whites, coconut water, or whole milk, or wrapping the tooth in gauze or a clean cloth will help protect the tooth.


Strains and Sprains-

What is the acronym used to treat strains and sprains







What should you do if you notice a camper has a tick?

Call the parents.

*If you notice the tick is just crawling on them, immediately brush it off the skin and remove the child/children from the area. If you brush the tick off, let the parents know. 


List 3 of our 5 camp rules

1. Be respectful

2. Use appropriate language 

3. Stay with the group

4. Listen to the camp leaders

`5. Have fun


What are 4 symptoms of a diabetic emergency?

changes in level of responsiveness, changes in behaviour (e.g confusion or aggression), cool, pale, sweaty skin, rapid breathing, appearance of intoxication, weakness or feeling faint, seizures


What do you look for when checking vital signs? 

(there are 3 things)

Level of responsiveness - is the child alert, sleepy, or confused?

Breathing- Listen for sounds, is breathing fast or slow? Shallow or deep? Painful?

Skin- Is skin dry or wet? Unusual colour or temperature?


How do you care for someone who is having a seizure? 

(3 steps)

1. Remove any objects that may cause the person harm

2. Protects the person's head with a soft object

3. If unresponsive/unconscious after the seizure, roll the person to their side with their head tilted so their airway is open

Call EMS/9-1-1 if you are unsure of their medical history, or if the seizure last more than a few minutes, if there are several seizures in a row, or the person is unresponsive for an extended period of time 


List 3 instances where you should suspect a head, neck, and/or spinal injury? 

*child specific

- a fall from any height greater than the height of the child

- a diving injury

- a child is found unresponsive for unknown reason

- a strong blow to the jaw, head, or torso

- a child has been struck by lightning or electrocutred 


How do you care for someone that has heat stroke?

(in order)

1. Remove from heat

2. Loosen tight clothing

3. Do not dry skin

Extra- In order of preference 

1. Immerse body in cool water

2. Immerse forearms in cool water

3. Pour water on torso

4. Fan skin


What do you do if a child tells you they are being bullied?

-Inform the camp coordinator 

- Document the incident on an HS-08

- Contact/inform the parents 


List 5 signs/symptoms of shock

- anxiety or confusion

- cool, clammy skin that may be paler than normal

- weakness

- excessive thirst

- rapid breathing

- drowsiness or loss of responsiveness

- naseau and vomiting 


What does SAMPLE stand for?

Signs and symptoms



Past medical history

Last oral intake (food or drink)

Events leading up to the emergency


How do you treat a child who is choking?

Alternate between any two of the following three methods: back blows, abdominal thrusts, and chest thrusts


Head Injury- While playing a game in the gym, one of the kids fell and hit their head. They are still conscious and can sit/stand up.

1. How do you treat the injury (immediate)

2. List 3 symptoms that would result in you needing to call EMS/9-1-1

1. Remove them from the activity and have them rest, and then apply a cold compress.

2. Impaired vision, balance or breathing. Experiences weakness, tingling or loss of sensation, begins vomiting, bleeding from the ears, mouth, or nose, disturbance of speech/language, if their condition deteriorates over time or the pain does not get better within 10-15 minutes.

* You do not need to loose consciousness to have a concussion.
It can be hard to tell if a child (or baby) has a concussion- look for changes in behaviours, excessive crying, changes in regular habits.

ALWAYS let the parent know when their child has suffered any injury to the head.


List 3 of the 5 steps for caring for someone who has been bitten by a (presumed) venomous snake.

1. Look for fang marks and swelling (someone who has been bitten will feel pain)

2. Call 9-1-1 immediately 

3. Gently wash the wound with clean water and cover it with a dry dressing

4. If the bite is on a limb, remove any jewellery or tight clothing from the limb.

5. Keep the person as still as possible, do not allow him or her to walk unless necessary. Keep the bitten part lower than the heart


What do we consider confidential information in camp?

What do we consider confidential information in camp?

- Camp reg forms

- Conversation regarding campers

- Campers names and identifying information 
