Splash Pad
Pool Procedures
Customer Service

True or False: We are allowed to walk through TCS to get to the splash pad?

True (full answer TBD, but last year it was allowed)


When do you need to do head counts?

Constantly; But more specifically before, during and after transitions


What are the ratio's when the groups are in the water?

Jr's ratio is 1:6, and Inter's and Sr's ratio is 1:8 


True or False: Since we are off camp property, we don't have to complete Incident Reports?

False, Incident reports must be done no matter where you are. 

True or False: If someone is asking you a question you don't know the answer to, you should give them the best answer you can think of.
False, direct them to James and/or Alicia.

What time are we supposed to be back to the TPRC at after splash pad?

Sr's return after eating lunch, Jr's and Inter's return by 3:30


Where should counsellors be positioned during transitions?

One in front of group, one in back of group and some floating in the middle if numbers allow


Can we go against what the parents have said about their child wearing a PFD in the water?

No, if a PFD has been provided or suggested we must follow those instructions.


True or False: Staff should face away from shore in a line while campers are in the water

False, they should be facing the shore in a circle border.


A parent approaches you about their camper being bullied, what do you say to them?

Im sorry to hear that, I haven't noticed anything yet but will be sure to keep my eyes open for it. I will also speak with your camper and ask them to bring it to my attention next time something happens. Thank you for letting me know.


What are the ratios for Counsellors to Campers at the splash pad?

Jr's ratio is 1:8

Inter's ratio is 1:10

Sr's ratio is 1:10


True or False: Warnings are NOT important for transitions (example: "10 minutes before we need to pack up and leave for gym")



True or False: For ages 4-6 campers can pass the buoy-line in the therapy pool if they have a life-jacket/belt on AND are an arms length from a counsellor at all times.



What should counsellors doing when getting to the beach?

SITE CHECKS! Look out for dangers/risks (glass, screws, unleashed animals, etc) and potential garbage (food waste, dead fish/animals, etc)


True or False: When a person comes to pick up a camper and their name is not on the authorized pick up list, if they share the same last name you can hand the child over to the adult. 

False, their name MUST be on the authorized pick up list or the guardians of the child must be called and give verbal permission (and email James/Alicia).


Who should we inform about our planned route for both beach and splash pad?

James and Alicia


How should counsellors assist campers across the street? 

One leading the group, one in the middle of the road blocking off traffic and checking for potential dangers, and if numbers allow one in the back. 


Where do children 8-12 who did not pass the swim test have to stay?

In the shallow end of the big pool


How deep into the water are campers allowed?

To their bellybutton


A parent wants to discuss an altercation with another camper that happened with their child, are they allowed to do this?

No, they are not allowed to talk to other people's children under any negative circumstance


True or False: If a parent or guardian wants to pick up their camper anywhere but the TPRC or JBSC they are not allowed.

False, as long as they have their valid ID and are on the authorized pick up list, they are allowed to sign them out at anytime. 


If you do a head count and notice that you are missing 1 camper, what should you do?

Let the other counsellors know so they can also do a recount/attendance. If the count is still down by own, blow three short whistle blows and follow the missing camper procedure. 


What do you do when the SR team lead/lifeguard blows the whistle?

Quiet down and listen to further instructions immediately. Ensuring that your campers are also listening and prepared to get out if needed.


Are we permitted to go into the water if the lifeguard hasn't shown up even if there is sufficient staff?

No, a lifeguard must be at the beach for us to go into the water.


A parent comes up to you and explains that they are unpleased by the lack of sports that are being planned throughout camp, how would you approach this situation? 

Ensure the parent that we have a wide variety of activities planned throughout the summer, we base our daily plans on how the campers feel, how the weather is and what location/resources are available to us.
