The stronger this part of the body is, the faster the creature can run!
These diets consist of only eating meat or fish
This big carnivore is one of the most popular; known for it's small arms and big teeth!
Tyrannosaurus Rex
This small dragon-like dinosaur used its strong legs to run from predators, similar to a rabbit
Dinosaurs loved to cuddle!
Free Points
Herbivores often have eyes on this part of their head to let them see all around
Side of head
This diet consists of only eating plants!
This iconic herbivore is known for it's super long neck! Similar to a modern giraffe
The stegosaurus isn't fast, so it would likely have used it's spikey, turtle like body to do what?
Fight off predators
This type animal is a theorized descendant of dinosaurs
The bones on this dinosaur help them thermoregulate
This diet allows you to eat both meats and plants!
This agile dinosaur is small but smart! A carnivore who looks like a smaller T-Rex!
This characteristic is defined as how quickly a creature is able to move
This scientist, often confused with an Archeologist, study dinosaur remains!
It's theorized that dinosaurs could have had this!
Feathers and/or Fur
For this diet, you need large flat teeth to grind up your food
This Dino has thin bones shaped like spikes on it's back that are used for protection and temperature control
If a part of the body is heavily protected it's probably very _____
Important to the creature
Much like birds, dinosaur babies grew in what?
This pattern is used by animals to hide from predators
For this diet you need sharp teeth and claws to get your food!
This dinosaur is no Dino at all, but actually a reptile
A dinosaur with sharp teeth, flat teeth, claws and eyes on the side of it's head is probably... (diet and behavior)
Omnivore and prey, watching for predators
Because of the way this cycles, we drink the same ____ as dinosaurs did