Figurative Language
Themes/ Central Ideas
White Space/Line Breaks
Literary Devices
ACE Grading

Comparing two things using LIKE/AS

What is a metaphor?


What is the definition of a theme?

The recurring message that a writer explores in a story.


What is the intentional use of empty space in a poem called?

What is white space?


What is the definition of Setting?

The WHERE and WHEN a story takes place INCLUDING ITS SPECIAL FEATURES (like people, rules, and mood).


What are the 3 parts of a strong writing response?

What is answer the question, cite evidence, and explain your reasoning?


An exaggeration

What is hyperbole?


The inner voice which guides us to good or bad behavior.

What is Conscience?


What is the point of white space in this poem?

To draw a picture of a turkey (the main topic of this poem).


The way a character sees the world.

What is perspective?


What would you grade this response for the evidence criteria (according to the rubric).

“After hearing the metaphor, the main character is going to probably going to run and tell Omar. “Boy, always remember to wash your hands but always remember you can’t wash your hands from everything.” This is because the metaphor is about not running away from your problems.”

Mr. O's grade: 2. There is evidence, but it is just thrown on there with no context. Where should the grader look for your evidence? Who is presenting this evidence?


What figurative device is used in this poem?

Best to become invisible

in times like these.

Everybody knows that.

Even Tony flew away.

What is a metaphor?


Page 31 of LWD is an example of what theme we discussed?

What is Toxic Masculinity?



What is the point of the italicized text on the left side of page 80?

What is the point of the italicized text on the right side of page 80?

Who is Will?

Who is Buck/other characters?


LWD is written from Will's perspective. He tells us that Riggs killed Shawn. Can we trust Will's perspective on who it was?

Mr. O will decide the answer. 

FYI: Mr. O believes that Will has no idea who killed Riggs. He only has suspicions. In other words, Mr. O doesn't trust Will's perspective.

Something to think about next week: Is Will a reliable narrator of the events of Shawn's killing?


Grade the ANSWER portion of this response.

Question: Turn to page 49. What is Will talking about on this page? Provide one piece of evidence from the text.

"Will is talking about something for RULE No. 3. I know this because Reynolds writes 'A tool for RULE No. 3'. My evidence supports my claim because RULE No. 3 is about getting Revenge."

Mr. O's grade: 2. The write only restates the question and does not give an answer.


On page 40 of LWD,

What is the figurative device Reynolds uses in the first stanza?

What is a personification?


The question/struggle Sephiroth (silver hair) has for himself is an example of what theme?

What is Identity?


What is the purpose of the white space on page 12?

TIP: Might be a good idea to look at page 11 and 13 to remember the context.

To highlight how devastated (intense sadness) that Will is feeling.


How does the setting of LWD impact Will's life?

Acceptable answers up to Mr. O.


Grade the EXPLAIN part of this written response.

Question: What does page 102 reveal about Will's experience with violence?

"Page 102 shows that Will has never used a gun before. In stanza 3, Will says "and now almost shot/myself trying/to figure out/how to. My evidence shows that Will has never used a gun before because he tells us that he trying to figure out how to check the ammo and almost shot himself trying to do that."

Mr. O's Grade: 3. The writer does a great job of showing how the evidence they provided made them come to a conclusion that wasn't told to us in the text.
