What was a favorite orange and foamy treat that grandpa loved to eat?
circus peanuts
What was hanging in the garage so you wouldn't hit the wall with your car?
tennis ball
With what did Bayleigh cut her bangs when we were over at Marge's house?
candle snips
What did we call the place where the computer was stored?
middle bedroom
computer room
At what resort could you find Grandma and Gramdpa's Camper?
Who has the best taco's in town?
Taco Tico
Where would we walk on a hot summer day to get chilli dogs?
Cony Island
What type of dog was Marge famous for having?
shih tzu
where would grandpa cut his toenails and say "there's fungus amungus?
in his chair
the living room
What style was our first cabin?
A frame
Where can you get the best lemon custard?
The dairette
What had to be put out in the morning and taken back in at night?
the flag
What shape plates did Lexi convince you to buy when getting new cookware to host your sister for lunch? (Lexi still uses them to this day)
where would we sit to smell the rain?
the 3 season porch
the porch
On what boat would we throw popcorn off the side?
The Queen
Who has the best broccoli cheddar soup in town?
Tea Thyme
What did grandpa but Grandma for their anniversary but was lovingly used by Adam instead?
a tricycle
What did grandpa and Lexi eat an entire of at the kitchen table after a trip to Fareway?
a rotisary chicken
Where did Grandma hide her slimfast?
in the closet
What was a favorite snack consumed in the clubhouse?
Cheese curds
Ice cream
Where can you buy the best potato salad in town?
J Mar
Where could you find grandpa cooking the best hot dogs and s'mores?
in the chimnea
Who were we going to see when the concert was canceled due to tornado warnings?
the beach boys
where did we find a bowl of cereal hiding?
in the pull out couch
What did mom drop in the lake that Lexi had to dive in and retrieve?