Summer Foods/Drinks
Summer Activities
Summer Habits
Summer Movies
Summer Stuff

This food has an overall spherical shape. It is sweet, juicy, and contains flesh of yellow or red color. It also may contain multiple black, white, or brown pips.

What is a watermelon?


The propulsion of your body through liquid by combined arm and leg motions.

What is swimming?

Someone who spends a great deal of time watching television and laying on the couch.

What is a couch potato?


A young sea monster boy with the ability to assume human form while on land, who longs to explore a town.

What is Luca?


A substance that helps protect the skin from harmful UV Rays.

What is sunscreen/sunblock?


Beef that is grilled and wedged between dairy, veggies, condiments, and wheat or grain semi-circular halfs.

What is a hamburger?


This activity consists of throwing a line in the water with bait and waiting for a catch.

What is fishing?

A practice to test or improve one's fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance.

What is working out?


The quiet life of a terrier is uphended when his owner takes in a stray dog whom the terrier instantly dislikes.

What is The Secret Life of Pets?


You can get this vitamin directly from standing outside in the sun.

What is Vitamin D?


It is tart and consists mainly of water, sweetener such as cane sugar, simple syrup or honey and lemon or key lime juice.

What is lemonade?


An experience where you can engage with nature and wildlife. You can stay outdoors in a protected shelter or recreational vehicle.

What is camping?


Eating small amounts of food in between meals.

What is snacking?


A doll who belongs to a young boy sees his position as favorite toy jeopardized when the boys parents buy him a new action figure.

What is Toy Story?


We use these to celebrate this holiday in the summer by igniting them. They contain gunpowder, potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal.

What are fireworks?


Sugar, cream, and dairy products that are solidified by ice molecules and is churned or smoothed. It also may contain a layer of food that is spread over to add flavor.

What is ice cream?


The object of the game is to move the flying disc up and down the field by completing passes to your teammates. You hold the disc with a forehand grip and throw at an angle so that it may fly upside down.

What is playing frisbee?


Sleeping longer than usual, staying in bed longer than usual in the morning.

What is sleeping in/sleeping late?


An alien animal from a different planet with incredible powers escapes to Earth and makes it his home. A doctor finds out about his power and wants to capture him to harness his power for evil.

What is Sonic the Hedgehog?


This activity involves a thin film of liquid that is inflated with air or gas soap. 

What is blowing bubbles?


A semi-sweet cracker made of whole wheat flour that can be cut and stuffed with marshmallows and cocoa. It can be microwaved or toasted for taste preference.

What are s'mores?


An excursion or outing with food usually provided by members of the group and eaten out in the open.

What is a picnic?


Disinclined to activity or exertion, not energetic, encouraging inactivity.

What is being lazy?

A son gets in trouble at school and this convinces his dad that he and the boy need to bond over a cross-country fishing trip like the one he took with his dad when he was his son's age. The boy uses the trip to impress a girl he likes at school.

What is A Goofy Movie.


Loose, granular material that consists of small particles that feel gritty. It can be found on the ground in tropical places.

What is sand?
