On the Job Success
Intro to Interviewing
Job Skills Training
Professionalism 101
SJ253 Team

These two Career Specialists presented this category during the second week of classes.

Who are Ben and Ashley?


A good interview will always begin with a strong one of these.

What is a handshake?


You gain this from your life experiences, including academics, extracurricular activities, community service, and household responsibilities.

What are skills?


The three categories of dress that we discussed during our Professionalism 101 training include Business Professional, Business Casual, and this.

What is Unprofessional Dress?


Tori shared multiple of her hobbies with you over the summer. Name one of those hobbies.

What is hiking/running/cooking/reading/music?


A person who evaluated and reports on a business or organization by conducting an "insider investigation."

What is a secret shopper?


You should always have two or three of these prepared for the end of an interview.

What are questions?


Basic skills and interpersonal skills fall into this category -- the opposite of hard skills.

What are soft skills?


A professional appearance includes not just your clothing, grooming, but this as well.

What is attitude?


This career specialist admitted during the first week of classes that they do not know how to cartwheel.

Who is Cassie?


If you watched the first "count the passes" video closely, you would catch this animal moon walking across the screen.

What is a monkey?


You should always do this before an interview so that you know what you are applying for and who would be hiring you.

What is research?


Reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, and creative thinking are all examples of this type of skill.

What are basic skills?


As individuals, we engage in this skills by changing our appearance, actions, and use of language depending on where we are and who we are interacting with.

What is code switching?


This Summer Jobs 253 team has a birthday on the Fourth of July.

Who is Antoinett Atkins?


You should always a_______ and e________ expectations. This helps you stay ahead of your guests and provide the best quality service.

What is anticipate and exceed?


Sending this allows you to express your gratitude to an employer AND remind them of who you are in the hopes that they may hire you after an interview.

What is a thank you letter/email?


Communication, flexibility, team player, critical thinking, and confidence are all examples of this type of skill.

What are interpersonal skills?


When sending an email, you should always start with a greeting and end with this.

What is a signature?


Sojie is a two-time international champion in this sport.

What is Tae Kwon Do?


This rule requires that you always make eye contact, smile, and acknowledge any person within a certain number of feet from you.

What is the Five Foot Rule?


When responding to questions about your specific experiences, you should respond in this storytelling method, abbreviated as S.T.A.R.

What is Situation, Task, Action, Results?


Information, technology, tools, resources, and systems are all examples of this type of skill.

What are hard skills?


In our social media presentation, we gave several suggestions for things to avoid. Name three of those things.

What is posting inappropriate images/posting offensive material/complaining about a past or current employer/sharing that you engaged in rule breaking behavior/oversharing your personal information?


During our game of two truths and a lie, Ben shared two lies and a truth. His truth was that he has been to this continent outside of North America.

What is Europe?
