
What is a job where someone sits on a tall chair and makes sure everyone swimming in the ocean or the pool is safe and following the rules. They also have a whistle and a red uniform with a white plus mark on it.



A place to go swim that you find in nature, in places like Cape Cod. There is sand, shells, crabs, and seagulls.

the beach


A game where people throw small balloons at each other filled with cold liquid. The balls burst when they hit someone or the ground, and get people wet.

water balloons


What is a sport that one plays with a net in the sand. TWo teams are used, and they serve a white ball over the net and try to score on each other. Often played at the beach and normally outside



a type of skin protector that looks like white lotion that is rubbed into the skin to protect it from the sun



What type of Job is when a team of people make sure a garden and yard looks pristine and lovely. Watering the plants, weeding the weeds. 

Landscaper/ Gardener


A place to swim that is not the ocean or a lake. It can be indoor or outdoor and smells like chlorine.

a pool


a battle that is similar to paintball but uses guns filled with water. People squirt each other with the guns of water and try to get each other wet.

water guns


A sport that is a lot like ice skating- but can be done in the summer. Instead of using shoes with blades on it, people use boots with wheels stuck in the bottom. 



an item one brings with them to a beach or pool. It is made of fabric and used to absorb water after swimming somewhere.

a beach towell


Someone who drives a special truck that sells ice cream and popsicles. the truck plays a special song out of it, and kids and adults run outside with money to buy the cold treats when its hot outside.

ice cream truck man or woman


A place with water slides, pools, and other games to be played in the water. There may be wave pools, and even water-based roller coasters.

a waterpark


a way to color and decorate a blank t shirt or fabric. different liquids of color are squirted onto the fabric. sometimes rubber bands are used to squish up the fabric to make a pattern that will later be revealed.

tie dye


A sport where one uses a special board to ride the waves at the beach. Most people wear a wetsuit and put wax on the special board so they wont slip off. this sport is seen in the movie Lilo and Stitch.



a type of tool that looks like glasses, worn while swimming so that the user can see underwater but protect their eyes at the same time.

swim goggles


Someone paid to watch campers at a summer camp. They run activities, take campers swimming, and play fun games with them.

Camp Counselor


where is somewhere outside that has ramps, valleys and tiny hills, where people ride around on boards with wheels underneath them. Doing moves like "wheelie's". Tony Stark is a famous athlete of this sport. 

Skateboarding. A Skate Park


a type of party where food is cooked on a grill outside: like hotdogs, sausages and hamburgers. Often other dishes like potato salad, lemonade, and salads are made as well.

a barbeque


In the summer, this sport is often played outside. It was invented in Massachusetts. People use a bouncy orange ball and try to shoot the ball into a hoop in the air. 



an annoying type of bug that flies around everywhere when it is humid and sticky hot outside. they are tiny, and land on your skin and sip blood out of you. they leave an itchy bump.



someone who works at a center where people play a game with sticks and little hard white balls with dents all over them. You hit the balls with the stick and it flies over long stretches of grass. you want the ball to land in a hole with a little flag in it. 

mini golf worker or golf caddy


A musical event where a band preforms lots of songs in front of an audience live. Usually the band has a set list, and may have another band or artist "open" for them before hand.

A concert.


a type of structure people may build on the beach using sand. it can be built using plastic containers and buckets which make a shape looking like a big fancy house.

sand castles


This sport is played with a white ball that has red stitching on it. there is a pitcher, a catcher, and other players out in the "field". "Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks"



when people go into nature to sleep in a tent and spent days out in nature. sometimes people roast marshmallows or hot dogs in the fire. people bring sleeping bags and enjoy the wildlife.

