This is what Hakuna Matata means.
No worries
This is a online game that has battle royale.
In this tv show there are 104 days of summer vacation.
Phineas and Ferb
This is a push and pop toy.
What is the name of the fish and the crab from Little Mermaid?
Flounder and Sebastian
Prince Hans has this many brothers.
This game uses letter tiles and you use them to spell words.
This show has a teenage whale who is a cheerleader and is spoiled by her father.
Spongebob Squarepants
This is a toy that can hatch from an egg.
This is the name of Andy's neighbor in Toy Story.
This movie has a prince named Naveen.
Princess and the Frog
This is a card game with four colors and you need to get rid of all your cards.
This show is about two brothers that live in a hotel.
Suite Life of Zack and Cody
You can change the face and accessories for this toy.
Mr. Potato head/ Mrs. Potato head
This person trained Hercules to become a hero.
This characters favorite catch phrase is ka-chow
Lightning McQueen
This is a game where you have to figure out who the other person has.
Guess Who
This show is about a pop star living two separate lives.
Hannah Montana
This is a realistic baby doll that has many variations.
Baby Alive
These are the names of Cinderellas stepsisters.
Drizella and Anastasia
This Movie is often mistaken for a Disney movie but is not Disney.
Despicable Me/Minions
This is a game where you have to figure out which guest did it.
This show has a side kick at is a naked mole rat.
Kim Possible
This is a toy that you can build with, comes in different shapes and sizes.
The genie was stuck in the lamp for this many years.