This is the equipment used for ironing clothes.
an Iron!
What are headphones?
A device to listen to something without everyone hearing.
Swimming - diving - climbing - surfing
A device that can receive phone calls.
A telephone
What is GPS?
(Global Positioning System ) Tells you where to go!
couch - chair - TV - bench
A mechanical device for cleaning dishes.
A Dishwasher!
A mouse!
Is used to scroll and click on your computer.
suitcase - plane - train - car
A device used to perform mathematical calculations.
A calculator!
What is a monitor?
Displays images from a computer.
village - mountain - beach - cash
A place where dairy products, meats and fruits, and vegetables can be stored at low degrees.
A refrigerator!
What is an alarm clock!
A clock that makes a sound to alert you of a time (usually to wake you up!)
credit card - passport - ticket - soda