Fun Facts
Olympic Misc
Olympic History
Sports 2

What is the nickname for the 1992 USA basketball team?

What is the Dream Team. Team members included Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dirk Nowitzki, Larry Bird, and Magic Johnson. 


What are gold medals primarily made of?

What is silver. Gold medals are 92 percent silver. 


Where will the next Summer Olympic Games in 2028 be held?

What is Los Angeles. 


Where were the last Summer Olympics held?

Where is Tokyo.

Who has won more Olympic medals: Venus or Serena Williams? (The sisters both competed in singles and doubles tennis.)

Its a tie! Venus and Serena Williams have each won four Olympic medals. 


What is the newest sport in the 2024 Olympic Games?

What is Breaking, or breakdancing, is the newest sport. Competitors will be referred t as B-Girls and B-Boys. 


Which is not one of the five colors of the Olympic rings?

What is Orange. The five colors are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. 

The Olympic flame is traditionally lit every two years using what?

What is the sun. The Olympic flame is rekindled every two years in Olympia, Greece, using the sun's rays and a concave reflective mirror. 


Including the upcoming 2028 Summer Games, how many times will Los Angeles, California, have hosted the Olympics?

What is Four. Los Angeles, California, has hosted the Olympics three times. In 2028, they will host for the fourth time. 

Most sports experts agree that these three events in the Summer Olympics are the most difficult. 

What is swimming, water polo, and gymnastics. 


Which sport has the United States never won an Olympic medal in?

What is Badminton. China leads the pack with 46 medals in badminton. 


What landmark will be featured in the background of the Opening Ceremonies and several sporting events in Paris?

What is the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower will feature prominently as part of the backdrop of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. It will also be depicted on many Olympic posters. 


What is the minimum age for an Olympic competitor?

There is no specific minimum age for participating in the Olympics. Individual countries and sports can set their own minimums, and it is rare for anyone under 14 to compete. 


Name on of the two reasons there were no Olympic Games in the years, 1916, 1940, and 1944. 

What is World War I and World War II. 


What sport made its Olympic debut at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta?

A. Beach volleyball    B. Skateboarding

C. Surfing                 D. Ultimate Frisbee

What is beach volleyball. Since its introduction, beach volleyball has become a very popular competition. 


True or False?

Baseball and softball events were permanently dropped from the Olympics.

What is False. Baseball and softball will not be played in Paris in 2024. the sports had returned to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and are expected to be back in 2028. Player schedules and logistics issues are said to e the reason these sports won't be part of the Paris Summer Olympics. 

Who has won the most medal in the modern Summer Olympic Games?

Who is Michael Phelps. He has won 28 medals and is the most decorated summer Olympian. 


The odds of wining a gold medal in the Olympics are slim. Which of the following is more likely to happen?

A. Wining an Oscar         B. Being killed by a shark

C. Becmoning an astronaut  

D. Being struck by lightning

What is A. You are more likely to win an Oscar than an Olympic gold medal. All the other choices are even rarer than wining a gold medal. 


The 1900 Olympics also took place in Paris. Proper hurdles were unavailable, so the competitors had to improvise hurdles from available materials. What did they use. 

A. Soccer Goalpost     B. Desk from a nearby school

C. Broken telephone poles. D. Road construction signs

What is C. Broken telephone poles. 

Track and field events were held on an uneven, we, grassy area, and hurdlers had to leap telephone poles laid across the track. 


What caused Bobby Pearce to slow down while rowing at the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam?

A. A swimming woman      B. A school of fish

C. A tugboat                     D. A group of ducks

What is D. A group of ducks. Even though he slowed for the ducks to pass, Pearce still won the race. 


The event called dressage involves the competitor and what else?

What is a horse. Dressage is considered the highest expression of horse training. 


What will be unique about the Opening Ceremonies in Paris 2024?

They will take place in Paris along the River Seine and not in a stadium. 


What year was this first Olympic games?

What is 776 B.C.


The Olympic motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius. What does it mean?

A. Speed, Determination, Excellence

B. Sports, Country, Dignity

C. Faster, Higher, Stronger

What is C


Name the God that the games were dedicated to?

Who is Zeus
