Beacon Activities
Special Events on the Activity Calendar
Staff Part 1
Staff Part 2
Staff Part 3

This activity is also a location, and is where staff such as Jah, Aiden, JP, Brandell, and Glassford can be found. Usually you aren’t allowed to participate in this activity if you don’t have sneakers

What is the gym?


This special event featured sweet treats for all students on wheels

What is the Ice Cream Truck?


This staff is particularly fond of chess. This staff can also play guitar

Who is Chris?


This staff is the head coach of the soccer team, is in charge of Showcase, and carries a megaphone around. You usually hear this staff every day in the cafeteria

Who is Kate?


This staff wears a baseball cap to work every day, carries a pink Stanley cup, and is particularly fond of both history and squirrels

Who is Joe?


This activity involves singing, dancing, and playing instruments

What is Showcase?


This special event involved playing games such as “Just Dance,” “Roblox,” “Mario Kart,” and other classic games. It also featured a game where you toss bean bags

What is the Rolling Video Game Truck? (Video Game Truck is also an acceptable answer)


This staff has earned the nickname “bald man” despite having a full head of hair…

Who is Hailey?


This staff is really tall, likes sports, and is known for being the head of the “Miscellaneous Yappers”

Who is Glass/Glassford?


This staff is the head coach of the basketball team and is a regular counselor during the summer

Who is Jah?


This activity was not a particular fan-favorite… it involved talking about careers

What is “Exploring Futures”?


This trip was also the site of a classic movie where the protagonist (played by Ben Stiller) works as a security guard

What is the Museum of Natural History


This staff is known for being able to sing really well. This staff is also a part of the admin team and is usually very cheerful

Who is Noni?

This staff sits at the front desk every day. They are on the admin team, in charge of staffing and daily operations. They are only there in the morning

Who is Theresa?


This staff is particularly fond of sharks; this staff is also usually with elementary school during the school year, but was with 7th grade this year

Who is Jason?


This activity involved using a special pen to create artwork, an activity that was only offered on Fridays

What is 3D Printing?


“The _____ Plunge,” “Crazy Mouse,” and “Double Shot” can all be found at this trip location… this trip was the only trip that was outdoors

What is Playland/Rye Playland?


This staff sits at the front desk in the afternoon and is known for caring a lot about finances and economics. This staff always calls students to go home at the end of the day

Who is George?


This staff comes into the cafeteria every now and again to sell snack to the students

Who is Ms. Gigi?


This staff is not quite a staff anymore, but attended the Urban Air trip last Friday. This staff was known for liking video games and math

Who is Sal?


This activity featured enlarged versions of classic board games and various games played at a table

What is Game Room?


This is where Staff vs. Kids Dodgeball went down for some students… A former staff also joined us for this particular trip

What is Urban Air/Urban Air Adventure Park


This staff has long, black hair and is known as “one of Theresa’s children.” Originally, they worked in the morning, but joined the afternoon staff halfway through the summer. They are now currently in charge of 7th grade

Who is Emily?


This staff was in charge of Art Club, and also supervised Make a Movie Club

Who is Joyce?


This staff has curly hair, wears a hat every day, and loves to play basketball in the gym

Who is JP?
