The words obstacle, concern, issue, and dilemma.
What are problem signal words?
The words similarly, likewise, both, and same.
What are comparison signal words?
4 + 2 x 3
What is 10?
Taking someone else's ideas, thoughts, writing, images, video, or anything else and claiming it as your own.
What is plagiarism?
Hands, bodies, and heads.
What do soccer players use to move the ball?
The words remedy, fix, answer, and resolution.
What are solution signal words?
The words differ, however, while, and but.
What are contrast signal words?
10 / 2 + 3 x 5
What is 20?
When you state someone else's words or ideas in your own words; usually the same length as the original text/ideas because you are getting all the details.
What is paraphrasing?
The North & South of the United States.
Who fought in the American Civil War?
The problem: Dad went to the store as a remedy to being out of sugar for baking cookies.
What is being out of sugar?
The contrast: James loves to read, whereas Heather loves to play sports.
What is read versus play sports?
5 + 3(8 - 1)
What is 26?
A brief overview outlining the main points of a text or source; is shorter than the original text/words because it doesn't outline all of the details.
What is a summary?
Forms of precipitation made of ice.
What are hail and snow?
The solution: Luke attends extra help with his teacher as a result of him failing his last test.
What is attends extra help?
The comparison: Ari is similar to Natalie because they both like to play hockey.
What is like to play hockey?
7 + 1 x 4 + 2
What is 13?
Sometimes, people are not what they seem to be.
What is the theme of "Hearts and Hands"?
Words from the Navajo language.
What code did the Allies develop to protect their messages?
The signal word(s): My problem of not understanding fractions was solved by my tutor.
What are problem and solved?
The signal word(s): Ronnie wanted to go on a picnic but Beth wanted to eat inside instead.
What are but and instead?
3(7 + 1) - 4(4 + 1) - 2(2)
What is 0?
The territory and time that a police officer patrols.
What is a beat?
The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union.
Who were the Allies during WWII?