Context Clues
Main Idea
Supporting Details
Non-Fiction Text Features

A form of information (such as a definition, synonym, antonym, or example) that appears near a word or phrase and offers direct or indirect suggestions about its meaning.

What is a context clue?

What the text is mostly about or the most important point the author is trying to make.

What is the main idea?


These are reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that explain the main idea. 

What are supporting details?


A discovered idea in writing that is not stated directly. We use our own background knowledge with the information given to make this.

What is an inference?


These help readers comprehend what they are reading. They are all the parts of a text that are not the main body.

What are text features?


A context clue that offers words nearby with the same meaning:

  • Example: The annual bazaar is scheduled for the last day of school. It's always a fun festival.

What is a synonym context clue?


These are the two main ways we discussed the author could convey the main idea.

What are stated and unstated?


"Gardening is very rewarding. I find it to be a relaxing and entertaining way to get exercise while enjoying the great outdoors. It can also save money. Last year, I was able to reduce my grocery bill by $50 per month as a result of eating seasonal fresh produce from the garden."

Name a supporting detail.

Acceptable answers include:

What are:

Gardening is a relaxing and entertaining way to enjoy the outdoors.

It can save money.

I was able to reduce my grocery bill by $50 by eating produce from the garden.


Inferences are _____-based guesses.

What is evidence?


This page is located at the beginning of the book and tells basic information about the creation of the book.

What is the title page?


"He looked absolutely flummoxed, like a toddler staring down at his feet on the floor who just isn't sure about this whole "walking" thing."

This is the meaning of flummoxed based on the context clues.

What is completely unable to understand; utterly confused or perplexed?


Finding the main idea often involves looking at these two sentences.

What are the first and last sentences?


Those people who like going fishing know how important the bait is. Some people choose worms or night crawlers as bait. Others are fond of using minnows, which are very small fish that larger fish would be attracted to. Some people do not like to use live bait. They prefer to use artificial bait, like lures and spinners. Fish are often attracted to the colors and movement of the artificial bait.

This supporting detail from the text DOES NOT support the main idea that there are many different things that can be used as bait.

  1. Those people who like going fishing know how important the bait is.
  2. Some people choose worms or night crawlers as bait.
  3. Others are fond of using minnows, which are very small fish that larger fish would be attracted to.
  4. Fishing can be a difficult task.

What is 4. Fishing can be a difficult task?


True or False?

Explicitly expressed ideas require you read between the lines to infer.

What is false? 


This is the information that can be found in the table of contents.

(2 things)

What are the name of each chapter and page number where each chapter begins?


"It isn't exactly the melee that I expected from your description," he said. "The kids are just roughhousing a little. I expected them to be bruised and bleeding."

This is the meaning of melee based on context clues.

What is a confused hand-to-hand fight, skirmish, or scuffle?


"Most teenagers and young adults do not know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It is a big decision. There are a number of things you can do to narrow the choices. For example you can take an interest test, do some research on your own about a career, try volunteer work in the field in which you are interested, or “job-shadow”, in which you spend a day with a person who is working in a field that interests you. These are just a few helpful ideas as you begin to choose a career."

Determine the main idea.

What is a few ideas to help the reader choose a career?


Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests. Sumo wrestling is a sport that started in Japan. It takes place in a ring. Two players try to score points by holding each other down or pushing each other out of the ring. Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans. The robot that scores the most points wins.

This is a supporting detail of the paragraph:

1. Robots are being used in sumo wrestling contests

2. Robots sumo contests are better than human sumo contests.

3. Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans.

4. Watching robot sumo is boring.

What is 3. Robot sumo uses robots instead of humans?


True or False:

Making inferences is not your personal interpretation.

What is True?


This text feature located within a diagram gives the reader more information about the image.

What is labels?


These are the different types of context clues. (Name 4.)

What are synonym, antonym, definition, explanation, compare, contrast, and word structure?


Determine the main idea:

"The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the entire history of the United States. The purchase doubled in the area of the country and provided territory from which fourteen new states were created either wholly or in part. It also gave us control over the mouth of the Mississippi River and opened up the way to foreign trade. Prior to the purchase, the waterway had been blocked by the Spanish, probably with the approval of Napoleon. The land that was bought was rich in timber, minerals, and natural resources of many kinds. Finally, the cost of the transaction was unbelievably low; the total of $15 million amounted to about four cents an acre."

What is the Louisiana Purchase was a very good business deal for the U.S ?


This piece of evidence could be used to BEST support this claim:
High school students should be required to wear uniforms.

1. When adding everything up, a school uniform could end up costing more than $200.

2. A student reported, "Allowing us to wear our own clothes gives us a chance to show our unique style and independence."

3. A student reported, "Allowing us to wear our own clothes gives us a chance to show our unique style and independence."

4. At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendence rates went up, and behavior incidents went down.

What is 4. At one school that recently required students to wear uniforms, attendence rates went up, and behavior incidents went down?


An inference is a logical guess based on analysis. Form inferences by combining what the passage says with ______.

What is background knowledge?


State the two ways in which timelines can be arranged.

What is vertical and horizontal?
