towel in spanish
Surfing in Spanish
el surfing
Temperature is spanish
la temperatura
The beach in Spanish
la playa
The sun
el sol
Is used to take pictures.
una cámara digital
What is to swim in Spanish?
How to say it's cold.
Hace frio
What is the pool in Spanish?
la piscina
Translate to English: el barco
What do you use to protect you from the sun?
la crema de sol
What is snorkeling in Spanish?
What is the hottest season of the year?
el verano
Sand in Spanish
la arena
To sun bathe.
tomar el sol
What do you wear to the beach?
el traje de baño
Translate to English: el esquí acuático
water skiing
Cloud in spanish
la nube
Translate to English: el mar
the sea
It's cloudy
Sun glasses in Spanish
los anteojos de sol
Translate to English: la plancha de vela
wind surfing
Translate to English: Nieva
It's snowing
Where do you stay on vacation at the beach?
el balneario
Translate to English: la tabla hawaiana
surf board