Where do we go to update a Mailing Address or an Email Address?
The Address Tab on the BP page
If Johnny is the authorized user for Susan. And Susan is the Co-applicant for Mary.
Can Mary call and ask questions about Johnny's account?
No. Mary is not Johnny's authorized user or his Co-applicant
What two things must be true for an Applicate to apply for a TLRR
They must be paying the bill before they call. And they must not have an owed balance from another account
What kind of statement do we use when someone reports a customer as deceased?
Empathy Statements
Example: I'm so sorry to hear that...Allow me to extend our condolences...We understand that this is a difficult situation, how can I help?
If a customer calls about an abnormally high bill. After asking probing questions, ruling out a leak, and if you are still unable to find a cause for the increase in usage. What kind of order will you create for that customer?
A Check Consumption Order
What does the acronym HDD stand for?
Heating Degree Days
When a customer is going to dig in the ground for any reason (ex. planting a garden, installing a mailbox, laying a patio) who do we require that they call first?
811 Call Before you dig!
There are times when we don't have to create activity notes because SAP will log our activity on an account.
True or False?
We will ALWAYS create activity notes for each time we touch an account!
If a customer refuses to provide their SSN do we proceed with the move in?
No. We request that they send Identity verifying documents to us before we can proceed.
When will we create a transfer for a customer?
When a customer is wanting to end services at one premise and begin services at another premise.
What do we do when a customer is reported as deceased?
Look online for an obituary
Where should Service Orders always be created from?
The Premise
True or False: Summit Utilities does not profit from the Gas Supply Rate?
In what Status can we NOT cancel a service order or a customer?
When the Status reads, Travel, On Site, or Field Complete
Where can we locate a fixed address on an account?
Where can we FIX fixed addresses on accounts?
On the Contract Account screen
Within S4.
If a customer is refusing to provide their SSN information where do we request that they send their Identity verifying documents to?
What kind of documents do we accept and how many should they send?
We request two forms of identity verifying documents.
We will accept SSN/ITIN cards/forms
Drivers License, Military ID, or Passports.
Can Commercial accounts be on AMB plans?
NO. We do not offer AMB to commercial accounts.
What kind of documentation do we accept as proof of a deceased customer?
We accept funeral programs, Death Certificates, Executor of the Estate documents, Obituaries, and Any official document that provides the deceases Full name and Date of Death.
Are Meter Re-read orders created Manually or Automatically?
Are Meter Re-Reads scheduled by the agent or not?
Meter Re-reads are Not Scheduled
What does the Acronym WNA stand for?
Weather Normalization Adjustment
What are two things that would waive a Residential Deposit?
Guaranty Agreement or a Letter of Credit from another Utility
Where can we find past invoices for customers with Legacy accounts?
Power BI/Bill Lookup
If Susan is Mary's Co-applicant. Can Mary call and create a payment plan for Susan?
No. Mary is not Susan's Co-applicant.
What does the Acronym LPP stand for?
Who is allowed to be on LPP?
LPP stands for Levelized Payment Plan
Only customer who came from Centerpoint Energy already on the LPP are allowed to have it. Summit Utilities does not offer the plan.
What kind of flag do we add to the customer page?
What information do we include in that flag?
The Deceased Flag
The customers reported DOD
For Order Statuses: What does 'Accepted by Technician" indicate?
That the order has been dispatched/assigned to the technician but is not being worked yet.
Can a malfunctioning appliance effect a customers natural gas usage?
Provide an example!
A leaking Hot Water tank can increase gas usage!
If Johnny calls to stop service at a premise and someone else has already scheduled a move in for Susan. Do we still create a move out order for Johnny?
No. Susan's move in with create an automatic force out for Johnny we do NOT have to create a move out.
After we create a customers basic profile, What other information should we attempt to get from the customer to add to the account?
Hint: at least three pieces of information/offers
The Pin
The Emergency Contact
And if they want to add an Authorized User or Co-applicant
For emergency orders do we Verify the customer? Do we Schedule the emergency service order?
No we do not have to verify the customer for an Emergency Order.
No, we do NOT schedule Emergency Service Orders. They are worked as soon as they are submitted.
If a customer calls for a reconnection and their account is ACTIVE. What is our process?
What do we do if their account is INACTIVE?
Create a Service order for A Unlock Meter/Relight. We will not have to create a move in since their account is still active.
We Create a Move in with the same Contract Account number. Which will generate a Move in-Unlock order.
Where do we ask customers to send documentation if we cannot locate it online?
When is a Lock Meter-Other order created?
When the customer needs to stop service temorarily outside of a seasonal lock.
For Example: Construction or remodel.
For the Weather Normalization charge we will calculate the average based on the number of heating degree days in the billing cycle over a set period.
For Arkansas the average is calculated over a 30- year period.
What is the average period for Oklahoma customers?
In Oklahoma, we calculate over a 10-year period
How long are Residential Deposits held before they are released back to customers?
12 Months with no more than 2 late payments made to the account in that time