Where is QUIKRETE's corporate office?
Atlanta, GA
5 Concourse Parkway
Suite 1900
Atlanta, GA 30328
What are the ATS for recruiting?
Success Factors
The name of Jack Sparrow's Ship
Black Pearl
What do you call a sad starwberry?
A blueberry
What is the hardest natural substance on earth?
What verbiage is under the QUIKRETE Logo?
Cement & Concrete Products
Who do we use to run Drug Screening?
DISA Screening
This is Luigi's brother
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground beef
What Galaxy do we live in?
The Milky Way
What was the first Acquisition Summit made?
What is the first step to kicking off onboarding?
Fill out the offer initiation form
Who is the 16th President of the United States
Abraham Lincoln
Why shouldn't you trust trees?
They seem Shady
Who invented the Telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell
How many umbrella companies does QUIKRETE have before the acquisition with Summit?
The QUIKRETE Companies
Please send through Chat what link you would send if someone would like to apply online for an hourly position.
Which ocean is the largest by surface area?
Pacific Ocean
How do you make a tissue dance?
Put a little boogie in it
Who is the creator of Microsoft?
Bill Gates
What year was QUIKRETE founded?
Please send through Chat what link you would send if someone would like to apply online for an Driver position.
What is the only country is the world to have a flag that is no square or rectangular?
What do you call a greasy fly?
A Butterfly