Tier 3 History
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Started as a personal trainer at equinox 2 weeks ago. Certification from NASM and BS from Ursinus College in neuroscience and psychology. Started working out consistently during the COVID lockdown and now training for my first powerlifting meet in August.

Who is McKayla Lefkove


History and background, started in CrossFit and NY Sports Club then came and opened as a trainer at Equinox Summit 2012 and never looked back!

Who is Valerie Mack?


Started as a personal trainer at Equinox 23 years ago in NYC, started at the Summit Equinox in 2012. Originally was a powerlifter but became competitive in endurance events.

Who is Leo Troso?


I played the piano for 8 years

Who is Melissa Falcone?


Adjunct Professor of health and exercise science

Who is Lisa Fleming?


Engaged in lots of sports-wrestling, jiu-jitsu, MMA. Lots of injuries in general. Lifted weights primarily to get stronger and more explosive. Love learning about health/fitness. Started with Equinox in December of 2022.

Who is Anthony Acquadro?


Started a personal trainer in Summit in 2018 and it was my first job in fitness. I originally worked in the finance world in a few different roles but realized it was not for me. Switching careers to fitness is one of the best positions I have made.

Who is Matt Rosenzweig?


I’ve been coaching for over 20 years. Ironman finisher, ski instructor, swim coach and lifestyle coach.

Who is Lisa Fleming?


I was born in Florida and lived there for a whole 6 weeks before my parents moved us back to New Jersey

Who is McKayla Lefkove?


My senior year of high school our first football game was at The Big House (Michigan) on ESPN and final game at MetLife Stadium.

Who is Mike Mendoza-Gisbert?


I've been a personal trainer with Equinox for about 3 months

Who is Pat Laferrera?


Started as a personal trainer in 2014 after going through Equinox Academy, began in Summit. Left and came back in 2021 to Summit Equinox. Taught dance and managed the competition team for 7 years in between.

Who is Melissa Falcone?


Started personal training 14 years ago and began training at Summit Equinox in 2013

Who is Ryan Schwester?


I don't own a television

Who is Anthony Acquadro?


Interesting fact I'm a huge Muse fan and will be seeing them live for the third time this year next month

Who is Valerie Mack?


Started as a personal trainer at Equinox 18 years ago at age 18 in NYC, started at the Summit Equinox in 2019 as an LMT. I have over 10 years' experience in martial arts and boxing

Who is Daniel Blanco?


Been a trainer for 20 years, I'm a licensed physical therapy assistant.

Who is Joe Marcantonio?


I started as an intern in 2017.  Hired as a trainer in 2018.  Went to Arizona for FST in 2018. 

Who is Hadasha Delarosa?


I lived & worked in Sydney, Australia for 6 months

Who is Matt Rosenzweig?


Ran away from my babysitter and was found by the police when I was 3 years old.

Who is Hadasha Delarosa?


I was a Division 1 Track & Field athlete competing in Discus, Hammer, Weight Throw, and Shot put. Started my personal training career at Equinox 2 months ago. I come from an athletic training background being involved in sports also Olympic lifting.

Who is Mike Mendoza-Gisbert?


Started teaching Gr Fitness in 1987, began teaching at Equinox in 1997. Began Personal Training in 1992, Personal Training for Equinox in 1998

Who is Lori Connell?

Started at Equinox in 2017 as Tier 1. Came from a sports, powerlifting, and bodybuilding background before Equinox.  Went to school for Exercise Science and received my PT cert for personal training, but did construction for several years before starting personal training.

Who is Rob Lolatte?


I walked the runway for fashion week in NYC.

Who is Joe Marcantonio?


Was on a hidden camera MTV show called Damage Control.

Who is Ryan Schwester
