RL 1 Inferences and Details
RL 2 Main Idea, Summarize, and Theme
RL 3 Story Elements
RL 4/L4 Vocabulary
How would the end of the passage be different if Father Sun had not been fooled?
The people of the earth would have continued to suffer from Father Sun’s heat.
What is the theme of the passage? A. Your family needs you the most. B. Cleverness can be your best weapon. C. Friends are often grateful for your help. D. Your patience is valued by those around you.
B. Cleverness is the best weapon.
How does day change from the beginning of the story to the end of the story?
Answers may vary, students must have details and information to support their answers.
In paragraph 6, what does the word motionless mean?
Based on details from the text, why were the nine suns first summoned to the young Earth?
The land was wet.
Based on the story, what belief about the sun and moon did people have long ago?
The sun and moon had some human abilities.
What would be a good summary of this passage?
Possible Answer: Moon helps the people on Earth by tricking Father Sun into sending away his children.
What aspect of Moon is present only at the end? A. Moon’s love of dancing B. Moon’s desire to outwit Father Sun C. Moon’s shrinking and swelling in size D. Moon’s caring for the people of the earth
C. Moon’s shrinking and swelling in size
Read this sentence from the story. Moon sat motionless in the night sky until she saw Father Sun approaching with his eight sons. The word approaching means:
Coming closer
What can be inferred about Moon based on her actions in the story?
Moon is clever.
Which words from the passage let the reader know how the suns are affecting the people?
" the people began to suffer from the suns’ heat."
Summarize the first paragraph.
Possible Answer: The people ask Moon for a favor because they are suffering due to the heat of the suns.
How did the people probably feel towards Moon after she helped them?
Possible answers: Grateful, thankful
As it is used in this story (last paragraph), the word swells means to...
grow larger
How does Father Sun react to Moon’s trickery?
He chases Moon across the sky.
Based on details from the text, how do you know the moon was important to people in earlier times?
The people asked the moon for help.
Which is another good title for the story?
Moon Tricks Father Sun (More possible answers)
Which of these events happens first in the story? A. Moon dances throughout the sky. B. Father Sun knows he has been tricked. C. Father Sun chases Moon across the sky. D. Moon tells the people she will invent a plan.
D. Moon tells the people she will invent a plan.
In paragraph 3, what does the word outsmart mean?
What do Father Sun’s children and the people on Earth have in common?
They all follow directions.
Read this sentence from the passage. As Father Sun drew nearer, Moon began to dance throughout the night sky. What can you infer about moon based on her actions above?
Moon wants to seem like she is happy.
Which sentence from the passage supports the theme? A. In a matter of moments, the sky was empty and alone sat Moon. B. Now all of the people on Earth speak of my beauty alone. C. Father Sun, being very vain and jealous, was shocked. D. Our only strength against the suns is our ability to outsmart them.
D. Our only strength against the suns is our ability to outsmart them.
How are Father Sun and Moon different in this story?
Possible answer: Father Sun is foolish and Moon is wise.
Read the sentence. “The heat from the suns is too much for us to bear.” What is the meaning of the word bear in the sentence? A. put up with B. ignore C. animal D. carry
A. put up with
What are two different conflicts or problems in the story?
Father Sun is jealous of Moon. People suffered from the suns' heat.