"La De Da De"
Sgt. Singleton , MSG Edwards
"Kick Rocks"
Sgt. Vargas
"Put away your rubaduxes"
Sgt. Marquez
Who is the therapy dog on base?
What is the Academy Motto?
Dream, Believe, Achieve
"Double time or my time"
Sgt. Garcia
"Too Easy"
Master Sgt. Edwards
SPC. Sagastemi
"Residential lad"
Mr. Kashdan
What this teaches:
Standing at Attention, Parade Rest, etc.
to exert control over his mind and body in order to have control of the immediate environment and themselves
What this teaches: (must name 2)
Not Talking in Formation
self-control, willingness to comply with directives, followership, impulse control, managing emotions
"The best is yet to come"
Mr. Hightower
"Get comfortable being uncomfortable"
Sgt. Garcia
Sgt. Diaz
What are the 5 Academy Values?
Discipline , Integrity , Courage/Resilience, Honor, Commitment
State the Cadet Creed
"As a Cadet, I will always display the courage and discipline to choose the harder right over the easier wrong. The honesty and integrity I will display shall prove to others that I have changed. My commitment to the values now instilled in me will be my final test, and I will succeed"
"Behave, Be kind, Be good"
Mrs. Flores
"Oh good, you're growing dendrites"
Mrs. Schulze
"Double time or lunges"
Sgt. Smith
What this teaches: (must name 2)
Requesting Permission to Speak
to curb impulse and think about what will come out of their mouths, checking inappropriate responses
teaches self-control
teaches there is a hierarchy in place that they are a part of
Who says, "Life is great. Positivity is the key"?
"I am a very simple man"
Sgt. Bludsoe
"Suck it up, Buttercup"
Mrs. Ismael
"I don't got all day people"
MSG. Edwards
What are the Eight Core Components?
Academic Excellence, Job Skills, Physical Fitness, Leadership/Followership, Health & Hygiene, Life Coping Skills, Responsible Citizenship, Service to Community
How many days are left in this cycle?
answers will be different depending on what day this is played