What did the man with skin disease ask Jesus to do?
Make him well
What did God tell Samuel to do?
He told Samuel to go to Jesse's house because God had chosen one of Jesse's sons to be the new king.
James wrote a letter to Jewish _________.
What did the soldier want Jesus to do?
heal his servant
True or False: God chose Jesse's first son to be king because he looked strong?
Be ready to _______________ first before saying something that leads to anger
How many kids do Mr. Randy and Mrs Rachel have?
3 (Emma, Hunter, Brooke)
What was wrong with Peter's mother-in-law
She had a Fever
Where was Jesse's youngest son?
taking care of the sheep
Be sorry for your _______ and believe the good news about Jesus
How long have Mr. Randy and Mrs. Rachel been married?
A. 15
B. 5
C. 22
D. 40
C. 22
How did Jesus heal Peters's Mother-in-law
Jesus touched her hand
How did David help King Saul
Played music for him
Do not think you are too __________ to pay attention to God's Word
What year was FBC Lewisville Established
A. 1982
B. 1882
C. 1972
D: 2002
In 1882, the 37 members met and formed a committee to build a new church. The First Baptist Church of Lewisville was built at the corner of Charles Street and Main
Trick Question - First Baptist Lewisville began in 1869
What book in the Bible does this story come from?
Matthew 8:1-15
Who did God choose to be the new king of Israel
What what you _______, so that your words please God
What year did FBC Lewisville move to present Location?