When did Jesus rise from the dead
Easter Sunday
What is the last thing said in the mass
Abouna : "Peace be with you all"
Us : "And also with your spirit
(x+3)/2 = 8
whats x
x = 13
How many hearts does an octopus have?
How many of our servants are married or engaged
4 - Grace, Daniel, Aunty Phoebe, Tetta Gee Gee
Which disciple changed his name to Peter
Bonus points: What does Peter mean in the bible
+50 points : rock
Should we cover our mouths after we have the body and blood
We cover our mouths after the body, but not the blood
How many minutes are in a full week?
What is the 4th letter of the coptic alphabet
Does David Sidra have any siblings, if so who?
Yes, Lillian
What is the 5th book in the Bible
What are the 5 senses in the church
ICONS(sight), INCENSE (smell), PRAISES (hear), HOLY COMMUNION (taste), KISSING HANDS(touch)
If an isosceles triangle's smallest angle is 56 degrees what are the other two angles
62 degrees
The third planet from the sun
Who is the youngest and oldest servant
youngest - Tony, Oldest Aunty Phoebe
Who was apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot?
He sat on a donkey that talked to him.
What are the 5 readings
acts, gospel and psalm, synaxsarion, praxis, catholic epistle
34 divided 3(-2) times 31870000
What is the most spoken language in the world
bonus points for 2nd and 3rd most spoken language
1. Chinese 2. Spanish 3. english
What is Grace's maiden name and married name
maiden name - Ghobriel
Married name - Jagadale
What is the name and age of the oldest person mentioned in the Bible?
Methuselah lived for 969 years. He was the son of Enoch, who walked with God and was Noah's grandfather.
What is the first part of the mass
The offertry
Riddle (not maths):
If 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4
Then, 6=?
is 3, because ‘six’ has three letters
What is a group of pandas called
an Embarassment
None :)