This boy defeated a giant with just a slingshot and a stone.
Who is David?
Jesus turned this into wine at a wedding.
What is water?
This is the very first book of the Bible
What is Genesis?
This animal swallowed Jonah.
What is a big fish or whale?
This is the number of people God loves.
What is everyone?
This man built a big boat to save animals from a flood
Who is Noah?
Jesus walked on this without sinking.
What is water?
This book tells about Jesus’ birth
What is Matthew?
Jesus rode this animal into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday
What is a donkey?
This is the special prayer Jesus taught His followers.
What is the Lord’s Prayer?
This strong man lost his strength when his hair was cut.
Who is Samson?
Jesus fed 5,000 people with just these two foods.
What are fish and bread?
This book is full of songs and praises to God.
What is Psalms?
Noah sent this bird to see if the floodwaters had gone down
What is a dove?
This book of the Bible says, “For God so loved the world.
What is John?
This woman became queen and saved her people
Who is Esther?
Jesus healed 10 men from this disease, but only one came back to thank Him.
What is leprosy?
This is the last book of the Bible, which talks about the end times.
What is Revelation?
This bird is mentioned by Jesus when He tells us not to worry.
What is a sparrow?
This is the greatest commandment, according to Jesus.
What is "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind"?
This man was thrown into a den of lions but was protected by God
Who is Daniel?
Jesus calmed a storm by saying these three words.
Peace, be still
The Ten Commandments are found in this Old Testament book
What is Exodus?
Balaam’s animal talked to him in the Bible.
What is a donkey?
Jesus told a story about this son who left home but was welcomed back by his father
What is the Prodigal Son?