What day did God create light in the darkness?
On the 1'st Day.
What is a crucifix?
It is an image with Jesus on the cross.
What is Easter?
The day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.
What did David use to defeat Goliath?
A sling shot and a stone.
When the priest says " Peace be with you"
You say?
" and with your spirit".
On what day did God create man?
On the 6th day
What is The Holy Trinity?
The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
The first book of the bible is?
(The Creation story)
What animal tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of eden?
A serpent.
The Sunday before Easter is called?
Palm Sunday
How many commandments are there?
What is the significance of the sacrament of baptism? (200)
What is the Original Sin? (100)
It takes our original sin away.
It is our inheritance resulting from the sin of our "first" parents, Adam and Eve.
In what language was the Old Testament written?
What was Jesus's first public miracle?
He turned water into wine.
wedding in cana
What does a White Dove represent?
The Holy Spirit.
How may Apostles did Jesus have? (300)
What apostle betrayed Jesus? (100)
Who mostly wrote the Old Testament?
In what language was the New Testament written?
Who received the Ten Commandments first?
Moses in Mount Sinai.
What is Purgatory?
The place where souls who are still in need of purification from minor sins go after death.
How many sacraments of initiation are there?
Baptism, Confirmation and eucharist.
What are the 7 sacraments ?
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconcilliation, Annointing of the sick, Matrimony and Holy orders.
How many Gospels are there?
The first 4 Books in the New testament; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
How many of each animal came onto the ark? Why? (250)
Who built the ark? (250)
Two of each animal came onto the ark so the species could continue.
Noah built the ark.
What does Gospel mean?
" Good News"