Were Alma and Amulek treated well while in the big house (Prison)?
Nope - they were beaten repeatedly
This fellow is the “father of the ward” and the ecclesiastical leader of our congregation.
Bishop Bill Tingey
(T/F) Brushing your teeth every single day is an optional activity
Which Pokémon evolves into Gyarados?
Magikarp evolves into Gyarados.
Who was Alma’s missionary companion that he met in Ammonihah?
This lady is the leader of the Young Women’s organization in our ward.
Sherie Miller
What is Utah’s State Bird
California Gull
What type combination does the Pokémon Lucario have?
Lucario has a Fighting/Steel type combination.
Why didn’t Alma leave Ammonihah?
He saw an angel who told him to return
This family moved here from Columbia and have two sons and a daughter.
Calle Family
What are the main ingredients of a PB&J?
Peanut Butter (super crunchy) and jam or jelly and bread
In the game, which item is required to evolve a Haunter into a Gengar?
Trading a Haunter is required to evolve it into Gengar (no specific item is needed, just the trade).
What was Zeezrom‘s occupation?
This guy recently returned home from a mission (extra points for where he served)
Ben Hutchins - Perth Australia Mission
Approximately how many feet (Imperial) are in a meter (metric)?
3.28 feet
Which Pokémon is known as the “Disaster Pokémon”?
Absol is known as the “Disaster Pokémon.”
Name something Amulek gave up to preach the gospel?
Reputation, riches, friends, family
This guys dad was a war hero for what he did in the Vietnam War. He received the military’s highest award - the Medal of Honor
Courtney Fisher
Describe some of the differences between a grizzly bear and a polar bear
Color coating, size, location,
What is the signature move of the Pokémon Snorlax?
The signature move of Snorlax is Giga Impact (although its well-known move is Rest).