What did these people do in disobedience to God?
They ate from the tree of knowledge.
Say any bible verse
Cuál libro de la biblia cae en el medio?
Estas personas siguieron una estrella para encontrar al bebé Jesus.
Los reyes magos
Name two of the twelve disciples of Jesus
Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Thomas, James, the son of Alpheus, Bartholomew, Judas Thaddeus, and Simon Zelotes.
Name the people in this picture. Who won?
David and Goliath; David won.
Show me in your bible the city where Jesus was born.
Bethlehem / Belen
What is sin?
Something we think, say, or do that disobeys God.
How old was Jesus when he got lost?
12 years old
How old was Jesus when he got lost?
12 years old
Qué dice Genesis 1:1?
En el principio creó Dios los cielos y la tierra.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Que dice Filipenses 4:13?
"Todo lo puedo en Cristo que me fortalece."
We believe in the trinity. Name the parts of the trinity.
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
What was the first miracle Jesus performed and what event did he do it at?
Change water into wine; a wedding
Who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
What happened on the third day?
Jesus rose from the dead / rescucitó.
Open the map in your bible and find the body of water the Israelites crossed to escape the Egyptians.
The Red Sea / El Mar Rojo
Cuáles son 3 maneras de adorar a Dios?
1. Sing praise/ cantar alabanzas
2. Orar / pray
3. Vivir una vida en obediencia/ Obey God
4. Read the bible/ leer la biblia
Which apostle betrayed Jesus?
Cómo podemos dejar que la luz de Jesús brille a traves de nosotros?
Amar al prójimo
Ser humilde
Obedecer a Dios
Alabar a Dios de todo corazón
Cuando Jesús fue bautizado, los cielos fueron abiertos, descendió una paloma, y se escuchó una voz del cielo diciendo: ????
"Este es mi hijo en quien tengo complacencia."
"This is my beloved son."
Completa el siguiente versículo:
"Jehová es mi pastor, ......."
Cuál es el libro y capítulo donde se encuentra?
...Nada me faltará."
Salmos 23:1
How many books in the old and new testament?
Old testament: 39
New testament: 27
Name the books in the Bible where we can read about the baptism of Jesus
Matthew; Mark; Luke; John
When Elizabeth and Zechariah were told they would have a baby, God took away Zechariah's voice until Zechariah said the baby's name...
What was the name of the baby?