If they're appointed leaders what do they represent?
God's messenger
What is Canaan also known as?
"The Promised Land"
How many spies were there?
12 spies - including Joshua and Caleb
What did God threaten to do to the Israelites?
Destroy them because of their sin, and doubt in God.
What did Joseph's brothers do to him?
Sold him into slavery
What does Moses and Aaron do because of the Israelites?
What did God promise was in the land of Canaan?
Milk and Honey
What is one word to describe the Israelites?
Unfaithful and sinful
Where did God send the Israelites
The wilderness
Why did the people build the Tower of Babel?
They wanted to be like God/reach God!
What is Moses know as between the Israelites and God?
Who lived in Canaan?
whined and complained. (displaying they were not content with God's provisions)
How can we describe God's character for giving them food and land?
What sea did God split?
The Red Sea
Who were the spies that trusted God?
Joshua and Caleb
What did the spies say about Canaan?
If they go to Canaan they will die
Who did the Israelites reject?
God's leaders = God
How many years did the Israelites suffer in the Wilderness?
40 years
Who was Adam's helpmate?
Who was the Israelites leader at this time?
Who was God going to drive out of Canaan?
The Canaanites
Why did the Israelites not go to Canaan
Because of the spies, they did not trust God
What does God do when we repent?
Forgive us
What did the Israelites worship?
The Golden Calf