Attributes of God
God's Word
God's Existence
The Trinity
Bonus (x2 Points)

What does attribute mean?

An attribute is a word that describes what someone or something is like. (How they act, how they talk, etc.)


What should we base our decisions in life on?

The first basis(or foundation) for our decisions should be the Bible.


What do we mean when we say God is sovereign?

God is sovereign means that he is greatest authority in the universe. He is all powerful and in control, His Will is accomplished.


What is the Trinity?

God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


God's word is worth more than ____________.



What attribute of God is revealed in His perfection. (No flaws, no sins)

God is holy. 


Why is the Bible important? (i.e. Why do we read the Bible? What does it do for us?)

The Bible can change/transform our lives.

The Bible is God's Word and it reveals His Will.

The Bible is an infinite source of wisdom that should be worth more than gold to Christians.

God is self-existent, what does that mean?

God exists by Himself, no one created Him. He is the only self-existent being because He came before everything, and was the one who created everything.


God is one _____________ in three _____________.

being, persons

What is a foundation? How is God's Word like a foundation?

A foundation is a base on which a house is built, without a foundation a house cannot stand properly. God's Word is our foundation as Christians because we base our decisions and lifestyle on what God's Word says.


What attributes of God were revealed in Him sending His son Jesus to die for our sins? (List at least two)

God is merciful.

God is loving.

God is gracious. (Full of grace)

God is faithful.

God is sovereign.


Why can we consider the Bible reliable?

The Bible was written by God Himself who cannot lie. The Bible is historically accurate and is greatly supported by eyewitness testimony.


What did God mean when He answered to Moses that His name is "I AM"? (Exodus 3:13-15)

God was saying that "I am the one and only God". There are no other gods, He is one true God.


What does John 1 tell us about Jesus?

Jesus is the incarnate Word. He is God's Word made flesh.

Also, Jesus is God and He was at creation.


The Bible was written by approximately _____ authors over _________ years.

40 authors over 1600 years


What do we mean when we say God is eternal?

God was always there, He created the universe. God is not bound by time, He is in the present, the past, and the future all at the same time.

God is also self-existent.


Write out Psalm 119:89-90 in English or Romanian. (Do not use your Bible to copy!)

Psalm 119:89-90 

"Forever, O Lord, your word is fixed firmly in the heavens. Your faithfulness endures to all generations; you have established the earth, and it stands fast."


Why are people without excuse for not believing in God? (Romans 1:18-21)

God's hidden attributes, divine nature, and existence are evident through Creation. God has made it plain to see His existence, but unbelievers suppress the truth.


What are some good examples for better understanding the Trinity that we discussed in class?

Water (Liquid, Gas, Solid forms) is the one we discussed most in class, but other answers work as long as you can explain them.


What were the five different words used to refer to God's Word in Psalm 19:7-11?

Law, testimony, precepts, commandments, and rules


Why is it important that we know God's attributes? (i.e. Why is it important to know what God is like?)

If we don't know what God is like, we could end up serving false gods. 

By knowing God's attributes we understand what His Will is on this earth. 


Write out 2 Timothy 3:16-17 in English or Romanian. (Do not use your Bible to copy!)

2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."


What is the biggest problem with the "Big Bang Theory"?

It violates the first Law of Thermodynamics. Energy/Matter cannot be created or destroyed. That means that the Big Bang occurring is scientifically impossible!


What passages in the Bible reveal to us truth about the Trinity?

Genesis 1:1-3 (Creation)

John 1:1-5 (The Word became Flesh)

Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus' Baptism)

Psalm 33:6, Isaiah 44:23 (word, breath, redeemer)


List out all of God's attributes (Lesson 2) we will talk about in this class. There are 15, you must get at least 10 to get this question correct.

Omnipresent, Sovereign, Gracious, Eternal, Holy, Loving, Wise, Merciful, Infinite, Just, Immutable, Omnipotent, Faithful, Independent, Omniscient
