Who saved the the Israelite spies from capture by hiding them on her roof?
What two judges did we study?
Gideon and Samson
There are three main characters of Ruth's story, who are they?
Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz
What were the names of the two kings that Samuel appointed?
Saul and David
Why did Israel want an earthly king instead of having God as their king?
They wanted to be like other nations
How many times did the Israelites walk around the city of Jericho?
What did Gideon place on the ground to get a sign from God that they would defeat the Midianites?
A Fleece.
What was Ruth gathering in Boaz's fields?
What did Samuel use to anoint the first king of Israel?
A flask of oil
What was David doing when Samuel was visiting his family to anoint the new king?
He was tending the sheep.
What were the names of the two faithful spies who gave a "good report" about the promised land?
Caleb and Joshua
What animal did Samson kill with his bare hands on the road?
A lion
What did Boaz do to save Naomi and Ruth from being poor with no land?
He married Ruth
How old was Samuel when he was taken to the temple?
What two things did Saul do that led to him being rejected by God?
He made a sacrifice for the battle himself instead of waiting, and he didn't kill all of the Amalekites
What happened to the Akin and his family after they stole gold and fabric from Jericho?
They were killed
What was the size of Gideon's army when he fought against 15,000 Midianites?
300 men!
What was the name of Boaz and Ruth's son?
Describe the calling of Samuel
God calls him in a dream 4 times, three times he goes to Eli, the fourth time he answers the Lord using the prompt that Eli had given him
After Saul had been rejected by God as king of Israel, what happened?
The spirit of God left him, and was replaced with a troublesome spirit, and God told Samuel to anoint a new king
What did the Israelites build after they crossed the Jordan to remember God's faithfulness
An Ebenezer or a pile or rocks
What two normal items were the men of Gideon armed with instead of weapons when they fought the Midianites?
Torches and empty jars
The son of Ruth and Boaz was the grandfather of which famous Bible character?
King David
What were some reasons that Samuel and the people in Bethlehem were scared when Samuel came to anoint the new king?
The People: scared of Samuel as a judge, were scared of Saul and his anger
Samuel: was scared of Saul discovering what he was doing-anointing the new king!
Describe the differences between the two kings of Israel
Saul: handsome, tall, selfish, arrogant and prideful, rejected God and was rejected by God. He looked good on the outside
David: handsome, humble, selfless, "a man after God's own heart."