How long will God’s Word last?
What is another name for God’s Word?
The Bible.
What does false mean?
Not true. A lie.
What does sin mean?
Disobeying God.
What do I mean when I say God preserves his Word? H
He keeps it safe so it can’t be destroyed.
God says his Word is complete. What does that mean?
It’s finished. It’s the way he wants it.
What will happen to someone who changes God’s Word?
God will punish him.
Who did God send to the world because he loved the world?
Jesus. God’s Son.
What is the name of the prophet we talked about who wrote down God’s Word?
What are the two big parts of the Bible?
Old Testament and New Testament.
What do false teachers do?
Lie about God, the Bible, and Jesus.
What does the word "gospel" mean?
Good news
What did God tell Jeremiah to do?
Write his words again
What does it mean when I say God’s Word is “set in stone”?
It won’t change.
What two things should we never do to God’s Word?
Add anything or take anything away.
What is the bad news we read about in the Bible?
We are sinners
What did King Jehoiakim do to God’s Word?
Threw it in the fire. Tried to destroy it.
How long is God’s Word fixed? The answer is in the memory verse.
What does God call the people who try to change his Word?
Liars. False teachers.
What is the good news we read about in the Bible?
Jesus died to save sinners.