Song of Solomon
SS Lessons 2024
Presidential Elections
Saving for Retirement

The word "Ecclesiastes" is a Greek/Latin translation from the Hebrew word "Koholeth", which means this.

What is gatherer?

(Preacher, Teacher)


In this poem, Solomon marries the ____________ woman.

What is "Shulamite" woman?


In my lesson on Calvinism vs Arminianism, I talked about the TULIP acronym, which stands for these five doctrines.

Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints


In the past 44 years, this is the only person who has ever received more than 3.5% of the votes as a third party candidate.

Who is Ross Perot?

(8.4% in 1996, 18.9% in 1992)


While it's possible to withdraw from a 401(k) account at 55, the earliest you can withdraw from an IRA is this age.

What is 59 1/2?


Finish these words from the poem in chapter 3:

A time to be born and a time to _______.
A time to mourn and a time to ________.
A time to scatter stones and a time to _________.

A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to mourn and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them.


Biblical Marriage is a picture of these three things:

The _________ of God.
The _________ of God.
The _________ with God.

Goodness, Gospel, Intimacy


On my lesson on Church History - There were 5 Roman Emperors that played a major role in the early Church, from 27BC to 68AD. Name three of them.

Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.


In the past 14 Presidential Elections, North Carolina has gone red in 12 of them. Who are the two Democrats that won NC?

Barack Obama - 2008

Jimmy Carter - 1976


This is the main difference between a traditional IRA and a Roth IRA.

Traditional IRA is untaxed money, and will be taxed at withdrawal. 

Roth IRA is taxed money, and will not be taxed at withdrawal.


This is the Hebrew word for "vanity" or "meaningless"

What is "hevel"?


Solomon uses poetic words to describe his wife's appearance. Match these words to the part of the body:

"Tower of David" is her ___________
"Clean white sheep" is her ___________
"Thin scarlet ribbon" is her ___________
"Flock of goats" is her ______________

Neck, Teeth, Lips, Hair


In my Mother's Day lesson, I showed how Deborah sang a song to rhythm of a clanging hammer. She was referencing this event that happened between Jael and Sisera. 

Jael drove a tent spike through the head of Sisera (the leader of the Canaanites)


The Electoral College consists of 538 electors to determine the winner of the election.

435 house members + 100 senators = 535

Where do the other 3 electors come from?

Washington DC

(See the 23rd Amendment)


A 40 year old begins investing in a S&P index fund, and puts in $7,000 per year in an IRA. Assuming 10% returns, he will have this much at age 65:

A. $175,000
B. $275,000
C. $475,000
D. $775,000

D. $775,000


Solomon says in Chapter 4 that it is better for a person have never been born, rather than to witness this.

What is "see the evil that is done under the sun"?


The final verse of Song of Solomon is the woman speaking and telling to her husband to come back home and run as fast as "_________________"

"Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young stag on the mountains of spices" (8:14)

For my lesson on "Are we in the last days?" I pointed to five reasons we could be close.

1. Natural D________
2. Tensions in I_______
3. Modern T_________
4. M________ Depravity
5. S________ Depravity

Natural Disasters, Tensions in Israel, Modern Technology, Moral Depravity, Spiritual Depravity


In the event of a 269-269 tie, who would be responsible for selecting the winner of the election?

The House of Representatives

(Each state gets 1 vote, 26 votes to win)


Social Security can be paid out at age 62, for the lowest amount. For someone who averaged a salary of $60,000 most of their life, their SS payment will be:

A. $1,970 per month
B. $2,243 per month
C. $3,125 per month
D. $5,000 per month

A. $1,970 per month


"Two are better than one" - Ecc 4:9

Give 2 reasons (of the 4) in this chapter than Solomon uses to illustrate two being better than one.

1. Good return for labor
2. If you fall, someone can pick you up.
3. You can keep warm together.
4. You can fight off someone bigger than you.


When the woman rejects Solomon and let him in the door, she uses these two excuses for not getting out of bed.

1. I've already taken my robe off, don't want to put it back on.

2. I've already washed my feet, don't want to get them dirty again.


On my lesson called "The Three Gardens", which are the three gardens I referenced?

Garden of Eden, Garden of Gethsemane, Garden by the Tomb


There are probably only 7 states that will decide the winner of this year's election. What are those 7 states?

1. Arizona
2. Georgia
3. Michigan
4. Nevada
5. North Carolina
6. Pennsylvania
7. Wisconsin


If you invested $1,000 in one of these stocks on January 1st, 2009, which would have the most value today?

A. Apple (AAPL) $2.59
B. Amazon - $2.57
C. Coke - $14.01
D. Microsoft - $14.40
E. Nike -  $10.44

A. Apple - $86,486
B. Amazon - $69,463
C. Coke - $5,232
D. Microsoft - $28,468
E. Nike - $7,705

BONUS - Nvidia  - $569,263
