This is the first commandment
What is "You shall have no other Gods before me"
This thing symbolizes Satan and sin in the Bible
What are snakes
This is our perfect mediator
Who is Jesus
What is the Bible
This is the fifth commandment
What is honor your father and mother
This was step one in entering Canaan
What is sending out spies
This person acted as the man in the middle for the Israelites asking God to spare the Israelite's lives
Who is Moses
This place was called the "promised land"
Where is Canaan
This number commandment talks about keeping the Sabbath day holy
What is commandment number 4
This is the horrible sin the Israelites committed while Moses was up on Mount Sinai
What is commandment number two, do not have any idols. They made and worshipped a golden-calf idol
This person was a high priest but also God chose this person to lead the Israelites
Who is Aaron
This is the place that signified the presence of God among the Israelites and this place is moveable
What is a tabernacle
This number commandment talks about not stealing
What is commandment number 8
This is what the Israelites complained about when they were not grateful in Number 11:4-9
What is food and manna
This person was not scared to enter the land of Canaan even though it was hard to conquer. (Starts with a C)
Who is Caleb
This is the only thing the snakebitten Israelites had to do to be cured
Believe and look
These are the last two commandments
what is you shall not lie and you shall not covet
Korah complained about this and was ultimately killed for this.
What is starting a rebellion against Moses' and Aaron's leadership
This person had a different perspective different from the rest of the spies and understood God's promises and obeyed when it was hard to obey. He was also the new leader after Moses
Who is Joshua
This is why God gave us case laws
God gave case laws to show how the commandments applied specifically in every area of Israel's life.