This is the act of worshipping the cross itself, instead of focusing on its true meaning?
In John 10, Jesus says He is the "Good___," who cares for His Followers.
This Persian king is the main ruler in the book of Esther.
King Xerxes
Esther invited the king and this person to a banquet before revealing Haman's plan.
the Bible teaches Christians to worship Who, not physical objects like the cross.
In the Bible, God tells His people not to worship these
Jesus says His followers hear His voice and do this.
Follow Him
This woman became queen after the previous queen, Vashti, was removed.
Esther's courage in speaking to the king saved her people, the____
This was the symbol on Emperor Constantine's shield that led him to victory.
This Roman emperor legalized Christianity and made the cross a prominent Christian symbol
Jesus refers to Himself as the "___of the sheep" in John 10.
This man is the villain in the Book of Esther, plotting to destroy the Jews.
This holiday celebrates the Jewish people's deliverance from Haman's plot, as told in the book of Esther.
This Event in Christian history marked the spread of the cross as a symbol of faith after Constantine's Conversion.
Edict of Milan
The 4th Century Church Father warned against turning the cross into an object of excessive worship.
John Chrysostom
Jesus says He will lay down His life for these.
His Sheep
Esther's cousin, who raised her, is named this.
The King's decree against the Jews was reversed because of Esther and Mordecai's actions, leading to this.
This Commandment forbids the worship of Idols
2nd Commandment
In the Old Testament, The Israelites worshiped this object, which had originally been used for healing.
Bronze Serpent
Jesus claims that no one can take His Life from Him because He has the power ton do this.
Lay it down and take it up again?
Esther fasted for three days to ask God for this before approaching the king.
Favor or help
This action by Esther was a sign of her humility and bravery when approaching the king.
fasting or prayer
This type of Christian worship of the cross can be seen as wrong if it replaces worshiping God.