What is something that the more you have of it, the less you can see?
Answer: Darkness
Is one of the longest and most beautiful bridges in the world, however, it was also strongly considered to be painted yellow and black instead of red!...also the length of steel wires used in the cables could circle the Earth 3 times!
The Golden gate bridge
The blue whale is the biggest animal to have ever lived.
Answer: True - and that includes dinosaurs!
How many US states begin with letter P
Something that "rings a __" means it's very familiar.
I am something that people make, save, change, and raise. What am I?
Answer: Money
When completed in 2009, the enormous Dam in China will actually be visible from the moon!
Three Gorges Dam
A monkey was the first non-human to go into space.
Answer: False - fruit flies were the first to make the trip.
Which US city is sometimes referred to as the Capital of the World?
New York
'Go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the...' what?
What plant has ears that cannot hear, but it still listens to the wind?
Answer: Corn
What canal connects the Red Sea with the Mediterranean Sea?
Answer: Suez Canal
Humans lose more than 80% of heat from their feet.
Answer: False - 80% of heat is lost through the head.
Which US state was last to join the Union prior to Alaska and Hawaii?
As sober as a ...
What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do?
Answer: Your name
What year did the Empire State Building open?
Pizza was the first food consumed in space.
Answer: False - the astronauts first ate up applesauce.
California has borders with how many other states?
As fresh as a ...
I have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water. What am I?
Answer: A map.
When was International Space Station first launched?
November 20, 1998
The tradition of dyeing Easter eggs started in the United States.
Answer: False - egg dyeing originated in ancient Ukraine. Painted eggs were believed to bring fertility and good harvests.
Which US state borders six states and one Canadian province?
'Many hands make ...'?
Light work