What is Jae's full name?
Jae Hyung Jun
Was Jae a tenor or a bass in the Christmas Caroling Choir?
What is Jae's favorite fast food restaurant?
Five Guys
What is Jae's favorite sport?
Volleyball obvi
What did Jae study in college?
Mechanical Engineering
Where was Jae born?
What year did Jae get to NSBC?
What is Jae's drink order at a coffee shop?
Hot Chocolate (I don't drink coffee LOL)
What is Jae's second favorite sport?
What is Jae's favorite place to travel to?
California (the whole state)
Where did Jae grow up?
What is Jae's favorite worship song to sing with NSBC?
And Can It Be
What food can Jae not live without?
What is Jae's shoe size?
9.5 Wide
What is Jae scared of?
Heights (no rollercoasters pls)
Jae has two sisters. What are their names?
Miyoung Jun & Mina Jun
What is Jae's favorite sermon series?
What is Jae's favorite movie?
The Dark Knight
What is Jae's favorite music artist?
Joseph Vincent (check him out on Youtube)
Who is Jae's celebrity crush?
Emma Watson
What is Jae's favorite book of the NT?
What is Jae's favorite book of the OT?
What is Jae's order at Cracker Barrel?
Country Boy Breakfast
What is Jae's niece's middle name?
Yireh (as in Jehovah Jireh)
What is Jae's dream job?
Grocery Store Worker