Literary Terms
Testing Strategies
This is a figure of speech that combines to unlike objects using "like" or "as."
What is a simile?
What does “down and out” mean in the following sentence: After his mother died, he was feeling down and out.
What is sad, depressed, or miserable?
What type of punctuation is missing and where does it go? Can you please help me find my homework
What is a question mark at the end of the sentence?
To or Too Fred will eat dinner _______.
What is "too"?
You should have a good night sleep and eat breakfast in the morning. *Make sure you are well rested and you are not hungry before the test. This will allow you to focus on the test.
What should you do the night before and morning of the CAHSEE?
This is when an author in a story hints at what will happen next.
What is foreshadowing?
In the following sentence, replace the word “nagging” with a word with a more positive connotation: My mother is always nagging me about my chores.
What is reminding, asking, telling?
What type of punctuation is missing and where does it go? My pet dog Murphy is very ugly, but I think he’s cute.
What is commas around "Murphy"? Ex: ,Murphy,
it’s or its The dog left _____ bone out back.
What is "its"?
Talking to the Text! It is very important that you talk to the text as you read long passages. Making predictions, analyzing, infering, and looking for main ideas will help you understand the material better. Your notes will also make it easier for you to look for information as you answer the multiple choice questions.
What is an important strategy that you will use while reading a long passage?
This is when the opposite of what you expect to happen happens. Example: In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Romeo finds Juliet in a drugged state and he thinks she is dead. He kills himself. When Juliet wakes up she finds Romeo dead and kills herself.
What is irony?
What does “exasperated” mean as it is used in the following sentence: “I was exasperated by the negative attitude of the students.”
What is annoyed, upset, frustrated?
What type of punctuation is missing and where does it go? Herman looks like a toad, said young girl.
What is "Herman looks like a toad."?
Their, They’re, or There I will feed ________ cat while they are gone.
What is "their"?
Process of elimination. Eliminate all answers that you know are wrong; doing so will increase your chances of getting the question right.
As you answer multiple-choice questions, what strategy should you use?
This is when you give nonhuman things, human like characteristics. Example: The wind whistled through the trees.
What is personification?
What are the different types of conflict?
What is EXTERNAL and INTERNAL conflict. Internal conflict is when a character is “at war” with him or herself. There are 3 types of external conflict: man vs. man, man vs. nature and man vs. society.
Fix the underlined section in the sentence. I heard the dog barks all night long.
What is "I heard the dog bark (or barking) all night long."?
Except or Accept Everyone _____ Jerry is going to the show.
What is "except"?
Read the prompt CAREFULLY. The test will often have the important word in ALL CAPITALS. Think about what it asks you to do BEFORE creating an outline.
What should you do when you read the essay prompt?
The author’s attitude towards the subject, or the overall mood of the passage.
What is tone?
What does the word “besotted” mean, as it is being used in the following sentence: “I was besotted by the beauty of the girl. Every time I saw her, it felt as if I had a few too many drinks.”
What is obsessed, love-struck, enamored, infatuated?
Fix the underlined section in the sentence. Be careful when you sit next to he and Julie. They will always try to copy of off you.
What is "Julie and him"?
Proceed or Precede I will _________ with this game, even if you don’t want me to.
What is "proceed"?
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe that you will pass the test. See yourself opening up the envelope of test results and receiving a passing score. You will pass if you believe you can.
What is the most important thing you should do when taking the CAHSEE?