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"It's So Bad."
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Flops Worse Than My Dick
Developers, Developers, Developers!
(What's that cheat code?) Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A (Start)
What is the Konami Code?
This "bad" piece of gear was plugged in the 1989 movie "The Wizard".
What is the Power Glove?
This studio was thoroughly lambasted on the Jimquisition for their shovelware title, "Skate Man Intense Rescue".
What is Digpex Games?
This shooter, released in 2013 and based on the popular "Alien" movie series, was heavily criticized for it's unfinished nature.
What is "Aliens: Colonial Marines"?
This angst-riddled Canadian developer was the mind behind Fez.
Who is Phil Fish?
(What's game is this cheat code from?) "there is no cow level"
What is Starcraft?
This knock-off Game Boy was recently referenced in Ashens' feature-length movie.
What is the Game Child?
This fast-talking game critic sadly had to close his Brisbane-based gaming bar, "The Mana Bar", in 2015.
Who is Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw?
This heavily-hyped console promised a marketplace intended entirely for the indie game market. On release, it was found to be both buggy and under-spec'd, resulting in poor performance.
What is the Ouya?
This developer is likely best known for his work on the Fable series, as well as his "cycle", as postulated by Jim Sterling.
Who is Peter Molyneux?
Crouching with your face against the wall was the answer to the cryptic clue, "WAIT FOR A SOUL WITH A RED CRYSTAL ON DEBORAH CLIFF" in this game.
What is Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest?
This low-budget competitor to the Game Boy was released by Bandai, exclusively in Japan.
What is the Wonderswan?
This scandal stemmed from issues of sexism within the games industry, and resulted in some journalistic outlets attempting to vilify the title of "Gamer".
What is #GamerGate?
This game promised that it's developer was about to "make you his bitch".
What is Daikatana?
This one-man developer recently released viral hit "Undertale" to critical acclaim.
Who is Toby Fox?
This game allowed the player to run behind the scoreboard in order to access a hidden level select area.
What is Super Mario Bros?
This monochromatic predecessor to the Oculus Rift became a cult flop after reports of head-aches and eye-strain from its use.
What is the Virtual Boy?
Jim Sterling earned his title, "Jim Fucking Sterling Son", after a scathing developer lash-back over a review of this game.
What is The Slaughtering Grounds?
While sporting strong hardware, this cat-themed console from Atari was sadly their final console release due to an architecture unappealing to developers.
What is the Atari Jaguar?
Now a multi-billionaire, developer Markus Persson is more commonly referred to by this name.
Who is Notch?
This game allowed you to kill a "final" boss through the power of real-time old age.
What is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater?
This CD-based media center and console was and is widely ridiculed for the ugly animations present in it's LoZ entry, "Wand of Gamelon".
What is the Phillips CD-i?
After making a sexually suggestion joke during an official Dota 2 live stream, this commentator was fired by Valve, and publicly referred to by Gabe Newell as "an ass".
Who is James "2gd" Harding?
This recent space exploration game, while hyped for many years, lost 90% of its players a week after release for various reasons.
What is No Man's Sky?
This Russian computer engineer was the mind behind "Tetris".
Who is Alexey Pajitnov?