Who plays Wolverine in the X-Men movies
Hugh Jackman
According to IMDb, what is worst movie realised by sony animation
The Emoji Movie
When was basketball invented (with in 10)
Why does Skeletor hate He-Man
For getting in his way
Why did Super Gavin temperaraly quit crime fighting
Kids (tecnicly) and he wanted a brake
What main power does Deadpool have
How many movies are on Chris Evens contract with Marvel
When was the first super-bowl (with in five)
What is the name of the actor that played the original version of the Hulk
Lou Ferrigno
What are 3 of Super Gavin's friends
Colleen, Riley, Gavin 2, Carcel, Jamie, Fireball, Luka, Logan, Corbin
What colors are Magneto's suit
Blue and red
When was the first live action hobbit movie realeased
Who is the shortest player in the NBA
Muggsy Bogues
Who currently hosts the tonight show
Jimmy Fallon
What colors does is SG's stealth suit
What powers does the hero Nightcrawler have
Teleportation and a sharp tail
Who play's the villain Joker in Tim Berton's live action Batman
Jack Nicholson
Who is the mascot for Alabama collage basketball
Big-Al the elephant
When was the first simpsons episode realised
How did Super Gavin get his powers?
Accedently drank a potion
Juggernaut and Proffesor-X are realated, how
Step family member
How old is Jack Black (With in 5)
What football team has won the most super-bowls
Kansas City cheifs
Who host the price is right
Bob Barker
What planet is Super Gavin from?