Who is the poorest person?
Funkycatbot (Jasmine)
What country controlled Burgaria, Rodwegg, Woodlands, Burgarian Icelandic Territory. Founded the Burgarian North Fortsville Territory (Province of Riverside). Annexed the Kingdom of Johnathania.
Burgarian Union (aka. Burgarian Empire)
What is the biggest city?
Who was the leader of the Kingdom of Hennsylvania?
Henry I (HenryDgamer)
Where is Spawn Tower?
Christantinople (Spawn)
Who's wealth came from fraud and taxes?
expo1286 (Ryan)
What country was the 5th largest in size?
Kingdom of Hennsylvania
What was the capital of these nations?
Kingdom of Christantinople, Realmanian Empire (Kingdom of Realmania), Clark Kingdom or Realmania, Kingdom of Realmania (Second Realmanian Empire)
Who was the leader of the Realmanian Empire?
Christopher II (Too Tall Grrrr)
Where is the Laregst Samoln Memorial Fountain?
Fortsville (Fortsville Fountain)
Who is the third wealthiest player?
Jaxiferr (Nisha)
What country lasted the least amount of time (excluding Funkyland at 2 hours)?
Realmanian Republic (Confederation of Fortsville)
What city was destroyed the most by the Anarchy Wars?
Who was the leader of Clark Kingdom of Realmania?
Clark I (TheFreak34)
Where is the Jimm-i (Father of Jimmy) Fish Tank?
Realmanian Stage of Flags (Fortsville)
Who is the Wealthiest Player?
TheFreak34 (Clark I)
What country that conquered the Realmanian Empire?
Clark Kingdom of Realmania
What is most southern city?
Who was the leader of the Burgarian Union?
Allison I (GreenJaguar8933)
Where is the Hennsylvanian War Memorial Monument?
Who is the Second most wealthiest Player?
Too Tall Grrrr (Christopher II)
What was the first rebellious state called?
Anarchist of Realmania
What is the newest city?
Who was the leader of the Realmanian Republic?
Where is the Anarchy Wars Memorial Monument?
Fortsville South (Fortsville)