Marvelous Mensches
Golden Golem
Space is the Place

His catch phrase is "It's clobberin' time" and is a member of the Fantastic 4.

Who is Ben Grimm or The Thing?

Bonus: The Thing's religion was not revealed until 40 years after his creation (2002). 

In one story, he has a second bar mitzvah to celebrate/mark 13 years of having lived his second life as The Thing


This patriotic hero's first comic book cover shows him knocking out Adolf Hitler.

Who is Steve Rogers / Captain America


This DC hero, who does not have any superpowers, is both Jewish and a lesbian.

Who is Katherine "Kate" Kane or Batwoman

Bonus: Since she is the maternal cousin of Batman, this makes Bruce Wayne Jewish as well!


This marvel of a man is responsible for creating superheroes like Spider-Man, the X-Men, Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Black Panther, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Ant-Man.

Who is Stan Lee?

Bonus: Lee's full name is Stanley Martin Lieber


Mr. Spock and James T. Kirk were played by these two Jewish actors.

Who are Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner?

Bonus fact: Data the android from Star Trek: TNS was played by a Jewish actor as well, Brent Spiner.


You might consider him a villain or a hero, this Jewish mutant is the Master of Magnetism.

Who is Erik Lehnsherr or Magneto?

Bonus:  Magneto is a Holocaust survivor.

In a 2008 interview, Stan Lee said he "did not think of Magneto as a bad guy. He just wanted to strike back at the people who were so bigoted and racist... he was trying to defend the mutants, and because society was not treating them fairly he was going to teach society a lesson. He was a danger of course... but I never thought of him as a villain."


He's not a man if clay but steel.

Who is Superman / Clark Kent


This Jewish hero's powers come from an alien ring.

Who is Hal Jordan or Green Lantern

Bonus: The character was modeled after Jewish Catholic actor Paul Newman 


Who created Superman / Clark Kent?

Who are Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster?

Bonus: Superman first appeared in Action Comics #1 (1938)


This proud Russian officer was played by Jewish actors in both Star Trek:TOS and Star Trek:AOS.

Who is Pavel Chekov?

Bonus: Chekov was introduced to appeal to a teenage audience and styled to resemble Davy Jones of the Monkees (a band meant to spoof The Beatles).


Her mutant power is phasing - the ability to go through solid objects

Who is Kitty Pryde or Sprite/Shadowcat?

Bonus: In the comics, Kitty has a pet alien dragon named Lockheed


He's just a friendly kid from Queens.

Who is Spiderman / Peter Parker


Though she isn't Jewish, the actress who portrays her, Gal Gadot, is.

Who is Dianna / Wonder Woman

Bonus: Gadot was crowned Miss Israel in 2004


He's responsible for having helped create heroes like Captain America, The Fantastic 4, the X-Men, and the Hulk.

Who is Jack Kirby?

Bonus: Kirby's full name is Jacob Kurtzberg


This movie, directed, written, and produced by Jewish film maker Mel Brooks, is a spoof on Star Wars.

What is Spaceballs?

Bonus: Though not in Spaceballs, Jewish actor Gene Wilder collaborated with Brooks on a number of his films.

Brooks also stars in Spaceballs as President Skroob / Yogurt 


This member of the Young Avengers is a magic user and not only is he Jewish, but he's gay as well.

Who is Billy Kaplan or Wiccan

Bonus: Billy is the son of reform Jewish parents and describes his own religious beliefs/practices as "lapsed Judaism"


He's DC's billionaire, playboy philanthropist.

Who is Batman / Bruce Wayne?


This speedy superhero is only Jewish in the DC Cinematic Universe.

Who is Barey Allen / The Flash.

Bonus: The Flash is also played by a Jewish actor - Ezra Miller


He helped create Captain America and the field of romance comics.

Who is Joe Simon?

Bonus: Simon's full name is Hymie Simon


Nimoy developed the Vulcan Salute from the Jewish priestly blessing to go along with this motto 

(bonus point for being able to do said gesture)

What is "Live long and prosper"

Bonus: The Priestly Blessing performed by Jewish Kohanim is with both hands, thumb to thumb in this same position, representing the Hebrew letter Shin (ש )


This superhero is Israeli and her mutant powers include superhuman strength, speed, agility, stamina, reflexes and endurance 

Who is Ruth Bat-Seraph or Sabra?

Bonus: Sabra was raised on a special kibbutz run by the Israeli government after her power manifested. Ruth was the first superhuman agent to serve with the Mossad (the Israeli secret service). She became a police officer in addition to serving as a government agent. 


You may be surpised by the number of heroes on these two teams (one DC, one Marvel) that were created by Jewish writers/artists. 

What are The Avengers and The Justice League?


This Jewish hero's powers come from the ring of Solomon, the mantle of Elijah, the Staff of Moses, and the hair of Samson.

Who is Seraph / Chaim Levon?

Bonus: Seraph first appeared in Super Friends #7 (October 1977),


This dynamic duo created Batman.

Who are Bill Finger and Bob Kane?

Bonus: Originally Finger and Kane had Batman carry a gun as he was based off of the stereotypical pulp comic detective.


These two actors in the Star Wars franchise are both half-Jewish.

Who are Carrie Fischer and Harrison Ford

Bonus facts: JJ Abrams, who is an SLC alum and director of the new Star Wars films, is 100% Jewish

Carrie Fischer, though raised Protestant, attended Orthodox services as an adult

Harrison Ford once stated that “As a man I’ve always felt Irish, as an actor I’ve always felt Jewish.” 
