Am I?
During game time, you grab the purple game piece (because you always get purple) and tell everyone you will go first!
Rock Brain
In the lunch line, you stand WAY TOO CLOSE to your classmate and talk with your face VERY close to his.
Space Invader
Look around at others and see if your energy level matches theirs. If not, take a breath and either calm your energy down, or rev it up.
Meditation Matt
Think about how you can turn your negative thought into a positive thought.
This friend lives with his mom, gramma, aunt, and uncle. He likes playing video games and playing with Legos. He has a rabbit and would like to have a new cat.
Who am I?
Chase G.
You only like to talk about rockets. When your friend tries to talk about other things, you keep changing the subject back to rockets.
Topic Twistermeister
You keep saying the word "Fiddlesticks" over and over again, trying to get your classmates to laugh, even though they are supposed to be working on their assignment.
Was Funny Once
Close your eyes, take a slow, deep breath, and let the breath out slowly. Keep doing this until your body feels relaxed.
Kool Q. Cumber
Ask yourself, "Is my body in the group right now? Are my shoulders pointing toward the group?
This friend lives with his mom, dad, and two baby sisters. He likes car game, Need for Speed-Toyota Supra. He has five cats and a german shepard.
Who am I?
You and your brother are with your parents at a restaurant and you both get really wiggly and loud at the table.
Energy Hare-y
It is silent reading time in class so your classmates are all sitting at their tables but you walk to the back of the room and look at the hamster
Body Snatcher
Focus Tron
Imagine a "bubble" around others that stands for their personal space; your body should not go into it.
Space Respecter
This friend lives with his mom, dad, and younger sister. He likes to play on-line games. He wishes he could have a parakeet.
Who am I?
When everyone in class has to take turns reading, you get really nervous and worry that everyone is going to laugh at you.
Worry Wall
At recess you stand with your friends and tell them all about your birthday party, but you don't ask anyone any questions.
One Sided Sid
Show others you are interested in them by asking them a question about themselves or their interests.
Socia-Lee Wonderer
Use nice words and a calm friendly face and voice to be a good sport when you play games with your friends or classmates.
Inventor of Fun (I.O.F.)
This friend lives with his mom, dad, and two younger sisters. He likes to play Fall Guys video game. He has two dogs named Brosco and Willow. He would like to have Roblox.
Who am I?
Chase B.
While you and your friend are playing together in your room, you turn your body away and look at the sports posters on the wall.
Brain Eater
When two classmates invite you to play, you tell them,
No thanks I don't like the games you play".
D.O.F. (Destroyer of Fun)
Only say a funny word or joke once. Or if it is not a silly time, just keep the thought or joke in your brain.
Sunny Sun
This friend has a twin sister. They live with two rag doll cats named Ulfr and Jacko. This friends loves to read and stream shows on cable. This friend likes to cook for her family. This friend has two sons named Ed and Mike.
Who am I?
Mrs. Walsh