Defeat the Unthinkables
Say Something Nice About
Flexible Thinking
Who Has That Power?
Follow My Direction
You can defeat this Unthinkable by trying a different way to solve a problem. If you're stuck in your thinking, you can tell yourself, "Not a problem, I can do this another time."
Rock Brain
Say something nice about Jaidev.
Jaidev is the man!
You're working on a project. You REALLY want to finish, but your teacher says it's time to put it away! How could you show flexible thinking?
Follow the teacher's direction and put it away. Tell yourself, "I'll have time to finish it later."
This unthinkable tells you to move your body away from the group or teacher.
Stand up. Sit back down.
How easy was that?!?!
This Unthinkable wants to tear things up! He'll rip apart papers and books with his sharp claws! Defeat him by telling him to be kind to the materials and take good care of them!

Say something nice about Jasper
He is such a flexible thinker!
You get down to lunch and there's no more apple slices--your favorite. There's only yogurt and bananas. How can you show flexible thinking?
Take a banana or yogurt. You don't have to eat it. Tell yourself, "I can have apples next time."
This unthinkable says things to friends that can be hurtful.
Mean Jean

Walk to the door. Turn off the lights. 
Did you do it?
You can defeat Brain Eater by practicing Whole Body Listening. Whole Body Listening means you point your whole body to the person who is talking. You look with your eyes, listen with your ears, and face the person with your body. Show me what Whole Body Listening looks like.
Did you face the person talking? Was your voice and body quiet? Were you looking with your eyes?
Say something nice about Zamirah!
Isn't she awesome?!?
Three kids at recess want to play hide and seek. You and one other kid want to play tag. How could you solve this problem by showing flexible thinking? 
Tell the kids you'll play hide and seek today, and you could play tag tomorrow! Or maybe you'll have time to play both in one recess!
This unthinkable distracts you with other kids or things you see around you.

Brain Eater

!Ask another person at the table if you can switch seats with them. If they say yes, switch seats! Fast!
This game is silly!
You're playing a game with three other kids. You want your favorite color piece, but another friend gets it. Destroyer of Fun tells you that's a huge problem and you should have a huge reaction. How big of a problem do you think it is if you don't get your favorite color piece? How big should your reaction be?
A small problem. Your reaction should be small. Maybe you can have that color piece another time. 
Say something nice about Ben
Good for you!
You have Superflex Academy every Tuesday and Thursday. Uh oh! Something happened and Nils had to cancel the academy! What would you say to show you're a flexible thinker?
"That's ok, we'll have Superflex Academy another day."
This unthinkable doesn't follow the rules of a game. Nobody wants to play with him. 
Destroyer of Fun

Stand up, push in your chair, and do 10 jumping jacks. Then get back in your chair. 
Phew! That was a tough one!
Name one thing you can do or say to defeat Mean Jean when she tells you to say something hurtful to a friend. 
"Would saying that hurt my friend?"

"Keep that thought to yourself"

"That's not a kind thing to say"

"How would I feel if someone said that to me?"

Say something nice about Nils
What did you say?
You really want the rocking chair at Superflex Academy, but there's only one of them, and someone took it before you could! How could you be a flexible thinker?
Ask the person if you could have a turn. If they say no, you could say, "That's ok, I can have it another time."
This unthinkable cannot control his body. He's all over the place!
Energy Hare-y

Tell the person next to you how much you like this game, and whether you think we should do it again. After you share, the other person shares back. Two people have to follow this direction!
Well, should we play games like this again?