We all have different types of "smarts" in our brains, computer smarts, sports smarts, math smarts, even Lego smarts! What type of smarts do we all have and is important for being around other people?
Social smarts, it helps our brains to know that others are having thoughts about us and that we are having thoughts about them. We use social smarts in school, at home, and EVERYWHERE!
What does Rock Brain try to do to people?
Rock Brain tries to make people get stuck on their ideas.
When we have unexpected behavior people around us might start to have ------------- thoughts about us. What type of thoughts?
Uncomfortable thoughts. When our behavior is expected, people have good thoughts about us and will enjoy being around us.
Your teacher is about to start teaching at the board, what does expected behavior look like?
Act it out!
Tell about a time you used your Social Detective Toolbox to figure out what was expected and unexpected.
What's your story?
What three body parts are important tools in our social detective toolbox?
Social Detectives need their EYES, EARS, and what they know in their BRAIN to figure out what is expected and even what may happen next.
Rock Brain is on the attack! What are some superflex strategies to defeat him?
Use self-talk to help you remember that being part of a group means you can't always do it your way. You can also take deep breaths or count to ten.
Your mother tells you every night at 8:30 to turn off the t.v. and get ready for bed. How do you think she would feel if 8:25 you had turned off the t.v. and begun to get ready for bed without being told?
Happy/proud that you did what you need to without her having to ask.
Oh no! Rock Brain is invading again! The teacher usually does math during this time, but today she wants to do a Language Arts lesson instead. Show us your Rock Brain!
Act it out!
Tell about a time that Rock Brain invaded your brain and you were unable to defeat him?
What's your story?
Jenny and Tommy are playing a board game. When Tommy starts to lose he flips the board and knocks the pieces away. What will Jenny's thoughts be about this?
She will think that Tommy is being unexpected and she might not want to play games with him anymore.
Oh no! Billy still needs to do his homework, but he doesn't want to stop playing video games. Quick Superflex Academy Trainee! Show Billy how he could use his self-talk to defeat Rock Brain!
Billy needs to think about what type of thoughts his parents or teacher might have if he does not get his homework done and what type of consequences he may have. If he does his homework first he may get more time to play games after.
When a teacher tells another student to stop talking, it is also a good idea for you to keep quiet. What might happen if you keep talking after a teacher tells another student to be quiet?
Feel upset/sad. Feel that you were not listening.
Rock Brain is taking over recess! Your friend wants to play tag but you want to play on the swings. Defeat Rock Brain! What do you do/say?
Act it out!
Tell about a time that Rock Brain invaded your brain and you were able to use your academy training to defeat him.
What's your story?
What does it mean to have your "brain in the group?"
Your brain is in the group when others feel that you are paying attention to what is happening in the group. For example, when you are thinking about others with your eyes and listening to what they are talking about.
A Superflex nightmare! Oh no, James, Sally, and Suzzie are all supposed to be working on a project together, but Rock Brain has invaded and they all want to do something different! What might be some consequences if they don't compromise?
They might have uncomfortable thoughts about each other. The teacher will feel that they are being unexpected.
Students are expected to do certain things each day without being asked. Name two things that you should do every day at school without being asked by your teacher.
Name those activities.
Games are not always played exactly according to the rules. If the group agrees to deviate from the rules, that is okay. What can you say to yourself to help you accept a change in rules even if you don't like it?
Act it out!
Being flexible is better and often faster than being rigid. Show us just how much faster! Find a rigid object and a flexible object in the room. You have 30 seconds, GO!
Being flexible is having the ability to look at what is going on around us and being willing to modify or change what we are doing to be expected.
Use your Social Detective toolbox to make a smart guess about what I'm feeling.
A smart guess is when we use all of our tools to figure things out and then make a guess based on what we know about the world. Teachers also expect us to make smart guesses in the classroom.
Superflex needs your help cadet! Rock Brain has taken over an entire classroom! The students have a substitute teacher and they don't want to listen. Defeat Rock Brain by telling them why they should listen.
Example consequences of listening/not listening
Your friend is very excited! It is your first time coming over their house and they've planned and set up several different activities for the two of you to do. You were hoping to do something else and you tell him that his ideas don't sound like much fun. How does he feel? How does he then behave to you? How does that make you feel?
Remember, for every behavior, there are consequences. Our behavior has an effect on how others feel, how they then behave towards us, which has an effect on how we feel.
If it is time to move on to another activity, it is okay to leave something unfinished and come back to it later. You are almost done putting a puzzle together when the teacher says that it is time for math. Start having a Rock Brain moment, but then talk yourself through it.
Act it out!
Tell about a time that you forgot your Social Detective toolbox and made a wacky guess. What could you have done instead?
What's your story?